Your magnetic energy "theory" is not a theory. It is an untestable and wildly implausible hypothesis with no evidence for at and an abundance of evidence against it. It has nothing to do with any technology. It has nothing to do with magnetism. It directly contradicts the fundamental way the universe works. Even calling it magic is being generous because in stories about magic there are limits and internal consistencies. Your "theory" is nothing at all like advances in technology. Your comparison is invalid.
A theory is a theory even if its unproven or can't be done. Neither of us know what technology and energy will be used in 100 years time. If you had never heard that chip fat can run a car engine you'd be condemning that as an unproven theory too.
It's obvious to me that you lack some vision in to the future and seem unable to comprehend that there will be things in the future that you will think is impossible now. As I said earlier do you think someone in 1918 imagined light could travel down a cable and carrying data to a computer? If you asked a person back then, maybe in the local tavern back then I'm sure 1918 version of you would be telling 1918 version of me its magic, its not a theory, its impossible.
The government does not display all its secrets. I have not said that it does. Tefal has not said that it does. You're making that up.
I said that because both you and Tefal seem to only see the technology that
we see today, and didn't appear to acknowledge places like area 51 and the likelihood that they are working on technology we've never seen before. If you are saying you do acknowledge that point then our opinions are moving closer together.
My opinion on UFO sightings:
As far as your opinion of UFO sightings, I actually agree with almost everything you have said. I think the vast majority of sightings can be explained by everything you wrote.
I've not understood the tone you have taken towards me, as though I'm saying that aliens are flying around in aircraft. When my theory is that most of the objects people see that is unexplained (UFO) is most likely government advanced technology, which even in your answer you acknowledge is possible. I think that theory is the more rational, alongside mis-identified objects.
My theory of magnetic energy and also an attempt to answer why the military would keep technology hidden are just my thoughts. We both don't truly know how far any technology as gone because we're both not privy to that information. But you seem to seek a fixed answer. Because you personally haven't seen it (or anyone else on the forum) its immediately rubbished as magic. Why can't you leave the theory open? Why do you feel the need to clamp down on other peoples thoughts? I see this in religious threads too. Some people can't allow others to have thoughts unless it passes their approval.
I mentioned my theory of a future energy. What do you think is going to be the energy we use in the year 2118 ?