UFO footage released by US military

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You seem a bit grouchy tonight Tefal, everything ok? Or just burning the candle at both ends again? :)

Iv3 been awake since 6pm yesterday and far too drunk.

But tbh you cannot ******* argue magic/perpetual motion baee d on magnets because I'm tired

If you can then I congratulate you on you4 nob3l p4ize and you multibillion dolla4 future
Iv3 been awake since 6pm yesterday and far too drunk.

But tbh you cannot ******* argue magic/perpetual motion baee d on magnets because I'm tired

If you can then I congratulate you on you4 nob3l p4ize and you multibillion dolla4 future


Glad you're ok, enjoy your sleep when it finally comes :p

Random question but as an expert to you have an earlier example of perspective drawing?

I'm not sure what you're asking, but i'm pretty sure the answer is no
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I'm not sure what you're asking, but i'm pretty sure the answer is no

Cool it was simply base on your quote of the tapestry where there is no 3d representation of the situation same as cave paintings thousands of years before... which acxoring yo some could obviously could only be due to aliens......
Something I'd like to add about the German nuclear weapons project:

It was a plausible threat. The person who campaigned for the USA to develop nuclear weapons ASAP to counter the threat wasn't a tinfoil hat nutjob. He was a scientist who had played a role in developing the idea of a nuclear bomb and at the time knew more than almost anyone about it. He also knew that the Germans knew about it too and were trying to develop a nuclear bomb and had a rough idea how it would work and had at least one research facility devoted to it. They might well have succeeded in time if it wasn't for the fact that their resources were being drained by the war and Allied forces repeatedly attacked the main German nuclear research facility. The first attack was one of the finest examples of a daring special forces raid done absolutely perfectly (by Norwegian resistance fighters trained and supplied by British special forces). Covertly in, critical damage done very precisely with small amounts of explosive, nobody harmed, covertly out, evade pursuit and disappear. The Germans rebuilt the facility...and the RAF and USAAF dropped about a bazillion bombs on the place and the Germans decided to abandon it and ship the remaining material under heavy guard to a new facility. So the Norwegian resistance sank the boat. It was all a rather embarassing failure for the Nazis - they couldn't even protect the research facility well inside their own territory, let alone make a bomb.

And that's probably the most "successful" Nazi wonder weapon program, in that it was realistic.
Perpetual motion does not work due to friction.

You have to overcome the frictional force + energy supplied, overcome that then happy dayz free for all. ;)

It can be done but friction will eventually take over in the end. :(
Masquerade ball

I'm pretty sure the father of the bride at a wedding I was shooting some years ago invited me to one of those. He said he'd call me one day about a "gig" and that it is very discreet. I then got a call several weeks later from him in the middle of the night stating just an address and time.

Wondering what I missed out on...
@Tefal & @Angilion

I think we're getting a bit off the subject in that you are replying to my opinion, which is based on speculation and my own theory of magnetic energy.

Unless you are a scientist working for the government in a top secret technology department then neither of us know for certain how far technology as gone.

I think if you accept that 100 years ago today, in 1918 that nobody seriously thought we'd be able to create the technology we have today, that a fibre internet connection can use light beams down a cable to give us data, then its logical that in 100 years in to the future we're going to have technology that we can't even dream about it will be that advanced. All by materials that were on earth in 1918.

I don't know how far advancement is in magnetic energy. It might be very advanced or its use might have hit a wall already and they might be using another technology.

I find it interesting that you think the government displays all its secrets so joe bloggs like me and you can see it.

I don't think we'll end up agreeing on this stuff, especially when there is only me making suggestions. You seem to shoot my ideas down though don't suggest what are these UFO's people see (unless I've missed your reply in the thread).

We got side tracked on my magnetic energy theory, which is probably my fault for adding that to the conversation.

So let me ask you both, or whoever else wants to jump in.. what is your opinion on all these UFO sightings?

Aliens, human technology, weather balloons, or some strongbow cider-causing hallucinations? :)
Your magnetic energy "theory" is not a theory. It is an untestable and wildly implausible hypothesis with no evidence for at and an abundance of evidence against it. It has nothing to do with any technology. It has nothing to do with magnetism. It directly contradicts the fundamental way the universe works. Even calling it magic is being generous because in stories about magic there are limits and internal consistencies. Your "theory" is nothing at all like advances in technology. Your comparison is invalid.

The government does not display all its secrets. I have not said that it does. Tefal has not said that it does. You're making that up.

My opinion on UFO sightings:

Most are grainy rubbish that could be anything, including fakes to get views.

Most aren't actually anything flying at all. I've seen something that looks just like most "UFO" sightings - a light in the sky moving in a way that no aeroplane or helicopter could do and without any noise. It's a light from a nightclub reflecting off clouds as a form of light show to look pretty and attract attention. You can't see the beam of light, of course. You can only see where it hits something reflective, like a cloud.

Drones add another explanation nowadays - a light on a drone would obscure the drone, a drone doesn't make much noise and it can move in a way that no aeroplane or helicopter could.

There are numerous other mundane explanations that account for most sightings. Balloons are just one of them.

In some cases, the explanation is lies, delusions or hallucinations coupled with false memories. Many occur at night or with tired people. People very strongly tend to see what they expect to see and very strongly tend to remember what they expect to have happened, as opposed to seeing what's actually there and remembering what actually happened. Add in some pressure to be famous and some pressure to agree with other people and you can easily get a mass "sighting".

For the few cases which don't have a definite explanation, the most likely explanation is military. Militaries have things that fly and things that produce light. Militaries often keep things secret or at least not public knowledge. The "need to know" approach is endemic in militaries and for good reason.

The only internally consistent "aliens" explanation was a joke from Douglas Adams in the Hitchiker series. Adolescent aliens were doing it as a form of trolling because it amused them. There isn't any other internally consistent explanation - if some aliens were coming here somehow and didn't want to be seen they wouldn't have their spaceships brightly lit and highly visible and if they did want to be seen they'd make it more obvious by landing in Central Park or broadcasting a radio or TV signal from space to say "Hello, we're here" or somesuch thing.

So yeah, maybe some UFO sightings are adolescent aliens trolling humans for fun. But I doubt it very much. If by some fantastic freak of chance aliens with interstellar travel had detected us and if those aliens had decided against contact with humans, I doubt if they'd let loads of their adolescents fly here to troll humans.
Of course. What is wrong with you? If there were UFO's, we would have seen them by now.

So people that claim to have seen them are just flat out lying? It couldn't be an optical illusion of some sort or something explainable with some looking into it, just flat out lying?
So people that claim to have seen them are just flat out lying? It couldn't be an optical illusion of some sort or something explainable with some looking into it, just flat out lying?

FFS just stop. Show me evidence of a UFO and then I'll believe.
Of course. What is wrong with you? If there were UFO's, we would have seen them by now.

There is no hard evidence of UFO's, all we have is liars claiming to have seen them.

I assume you are not including the amounts of professional people claiming to have witnessed these kinds of "things" who fear to speak out due to professional and public ridicule in your statement? For example, American astronomers had a higher percentage of seeing these things in 1952 than the populace at large according to Dr J. Allen Hynek. Do a Google.
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