UFO footage released by US military

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Everything is magic until we know how its done. Aircraft current designs are based off resistance. By balancing resistance with their shapes thats how they take off and fly. A round aircraft wouldn't be able to take off and move around effectively using conventional methods.

If you put 2 opposite magnets against each other they will try and move away or appear to float. By using controlled direction and with a specially shaped craft and engine I think it would work. But from the technology that is public we're not able to focus the energy enough to be able to make it workable. But I'm thinking along side the advancements in battery technology that is going to come because of the push for electric vehicles, I think we're going to see a change in engine design. If we had a stealth electric engine aircraft nobody would hear it coming even with todays technology. [..]

You can't put two magnets in a vehicle and use them as an engine. Not with any technology. It's not even theoretically possible.

It's true that two magnets with the appropriate polarisations will repel each other, but it's only practical over a short distance. You could use it for propulsion, but only for an object on a rail. Or, more accurately, very close to a rail. Part of the advantage is the reduction in friction that results from the two not making contact. But that's never going to be battery powered.

There's no reason for better batteries to cause any major changes in engine design. Electric motors are already a very efficient way of converting electricity into movement.
You can't put two magnets in a vehicle and use them as an engine. Not with any technology. It's not even theoretically possible.

I assume here you are referring to the impossibility of generating power via perpetual motion, etc. if you can put power into the system there are many ways to use two magnets for propulsion albeit many neither practical or efficient.
I assume here you are referring to the impossibility of generating power via perpetual motion, etc. if you can put power into the system there are many ways to use two magnets for propulsion albeit many neither practical or efficient.

I was referring to using two magnets in a vehicle as the source of energy for moving the vehicle. They didn't specify how they thought it could be done, just that two magnets repelling each other could be what moves the vehicle. The force of repulsion between the magnets in the flying saucer is the power that lifts and moves the flying saucer in their idea. By directing that force and focusing it, apparently. Maybe they'll reply with some more details about this magnet engine of theirs.

Possible, maybe, but there's no reason to think it happened and reasons to think it didn't happen.

Of course there is advance technology. Things that are possible today 100 years ago were thought not possible. Computers, chips, wifi, electric cars, even electric itself etc.

There is no reason to not think that in 100 years time there will be technology that we might only dream of today.

If there was a human civilisation with technology more advanced than today's technology, why is there absolutely no sign that it ever existed?

How did this hypothetical high-technology civilisation completely skip the use of metal? The relative abundance of relatively easily obtained metal ore in the bronze and iron ages makes it clear that it hadn't been used before.

The only way it could work would be with a very small and very isolated civilisation on an island that had all the necessary resources in adequate quantities and which no longer exists. Which is possible, but there's no reason to believe it.

Because of money and power. At the moment oil is making big money. If free energy was to be allowed a lot of people would lose a lot of money. We know free energy exists and each time the person gets paid off and a big company buys the patent and never uses it. This happens many times in many industries because the people on top don't really want advancement unless they can make a profit from it.

If technology was being actively held back from us (how? by whom?), then technology wouldn't have been more advanced in the past. For that to happen, the technology would have to have been in use in the past, then completely suppressed and all knowledge of its existence successfully erased somehow.

I believe something happened on earth that damaged our advancements. For example we dig up dinosaur bones but yet there isn't any factual history that humans and dinosaurs were around at the same time. As for who held us back, well there are many groups that could. Imagine a nuclear-like bomb went off on earth and you happened to be in a bunker underground working on advanced technologies for some government department. Most people outside had been wiped out. You would be in a position to exploit the knowledge you have. If you're a professional person working in these areas then I imagine any knowledge that someone has would increase in value. We know after ww2 that Germany had a lot more advanced technology, at least in theory than any other country. As soon as the US captured the scientists soon after thats how the US got to bomb. Even today some countries cannot make certain technology. I was reading a couple of months ago that North Korea can't make vehicles. They have to import all the vehicles. Humanity, countries don't develop at the same speed, so it leaves an opening for one group of people to exploit the other.

There are very few altruistic people in the world, at least in very high positions.

It's easy to build a flying object that someone else can't identify. If I build a drone with a bright light on it, fly it around and someone sees it who doesn't identify it as a drone (because the bright light obscures the drone), then that drone is a UFO to that person.

Even if the magic you claim probably exists actually did exist, it still wouldn't make any sense to suppress it. Many countries are dependent for energy on other countries and that's something any sane government would avoid if they could do so easily. There is something else that would make suppression of this magic an appealing idea - if it could be easily weaponised. You should have gone with that as a reason.

I'm not claiming every UFO is an alien or our advanced technology. By its very nature we both can't say it is that, or it is this.

Most of the wars in my life time have been about oil. Even the current Syrian war is about oil. As was Iraq, Afganistan, Libya etc. These top people don't want to lose control of their profits. I believe oil is known as "black gold".

But more importantly, where is your evidence for this magic energy source?

My theory (it is only a theory) is magnetic energy. But I readily admit that with todays technology it would be very difficult to focus the output to any useful degree. Though we don't know how far in front of the objects we see, are being built behind closed doors.

Every military is always trying to build a UFO - a flying object that other people can't identify has obvious military uses. Every experimental aeroplane was a UFO for a while, until it was identified.

If by "UFO" you mean "flying saucer" (as I think you do), well, a number of countries have tried to build flying saucers...and stopped doing so because they're crap. It's a bad shape for an atmospheric craft. It might be useful in a spaceship designed to remain in space (you could, for example, easily rotate it to create pseudogravity), but it makes no sense for an atmospheric craft or even for a spaceship designed to also work well as an atmospheric craft.

I agree. By the technology that we see today building a saucer shaped craft using magnetic energy wouldnt get off the ground. But then again we don't know how advanced the aircrafts being built in bases like Area 51 are. Maybe there is a magnetic energy craft that is flying around and people are seeing it thinking its aliens/ufo. From what I've seen if they had managed to build something like that then only a very select group of people would have clearance to see it, and none of them would be able to speak about it.

I mean think about it, these "UFO" sightings happen and the government doesnt really do anything about it. They would only react that way if they knew what it was. If they didnt then they are very lax on defenses :)
Of course there is advance technology. Things that are possible today 100 years ago were thought not possible. Computers, chips, wifi, electric cars, even electric itself etc.

There is no reason to not think that in 100 years time there will be technology that we might only dream of today.

You were referring to technology more advanced than we have today which either existed in the past and which somehow became lost or which is being deliberately and actively hidden from us. You were not referring to technology that might exist 100 years from now.

Because of money and power.

How does that explain why the civilisation with technology more advanced than ours which you were hypothesising existed in the far past on Earth disappeared without leaving any trace and went from stone age technology to technology more advanced than ours without using metals?

At the moment oil is making big money. If free energy was to be allowed a lot of people would lose a lot of money. We know free energy exists and each time the person gets paid off and a big company buys the patent and never uses it. This happens many times in many industries because the people on top don't really want advancement unless they can make a profit from it.

We don't know that. We don't know it because it isn't true. You're making up something and then using it to "support" your own argument. It would be nice if our entire understanding of how the universe works is fundamentally wrong and magic exists, but that's hardly likely and the claims that it's happened repeatedly, that big companies have it patented and nobody has ever looked at the patents, which are on public record and searchable just doesn't make sense.

I believe something happened on earth that damaged our advancements. For example we dig up dinosaur bones but yet there isn't any factual history that humans and dinosaurs were around at the same time.

Humans and non-avian dinosaurs are seperated by over 60 million years. How is that evidence that humans tens of thousands of years ago had technology more advanced than ours without ever leaving any sign of their existence and without ever using metals in any significant quantity?

As for who held us back, well there are many groups that could. Imagine a nuclear-like bomb went off on earth and you happened to be in a bunker underground working on advanced technologies for some government department. Most people outside had been wiped out. You would be in a position to exploit the knowledge you have.

OK, I'll imagine that...

A scientist loses almost all of their fellow scientists and thus all of the knowledge and discoveries that those scientists would have made, some of which would have helped them in their own research. They lose contact with almost all of the remaining scientists. They lose the manufacturing infrastructure necessary to make and repair and maintain the equipment they need for research. They lose almost all of everything they have in both their personal life and their scientific research, with both being severely hindered. They're now in a bunker, which is not a permanent residence, which is inside a hostile and dangerous environment. If they're still able to do any research at all, it will have to be research that is directly linked to survival and not whatever research they want to do.

I don't imagine any scientist seeing that as an advantage, even if they're a bona fide sociopath and really don't care how many people die.

If you're a professional person working in these areas then I imagine any knowledge that someone has would increase in value.

Knowledge only has financial value if it can be turned into a product that can be sold. It's rarely worth concealing it except temporarily, until you can bring the product to market. If you just sit on it, you're making no profit from it and sooner or later a competitor will come up with something that does the same thing.

Knowledge of more advanced technology only has military/political value if it can be used, either directly or by using knowledge of its existence as a political tool. Again, it's worthless if it's just sat on and ignored.

So where is the value in just sitting on it?

We know after ww2 that Germany had a lot more advanced technology, at least in theory than any other country.

No we don't, because they didn't. They had some grandoise plans for wonder weapons that didn't exist and in most cases weren't more advanced technology (e.g. the Mouse and Rat giant tanks). The more advanced technology they did have (e.g. targetting systems) wasn't greatly in advance of technology from other countries.

I think you're mistaking the wunderwaffen that some top Nazis were so enamoured with for real things that actually existed and worked, but in reality they weren't. In many cases, they were nothing more than ideas.

As soon as the US captured the scientists soon after thats how the US got to bomb.

The USA developed a nuclear bomb before the end of WW2.

They started in earnest years before they captured any German scientists and no captured German scientists played any part in the Manhattan Project. Even if the USA had any captured Geman scientists at that time (which they didn't), they wouldn't have even told them about the Manhattan Project because it was so secret. It wasn't just the research that was extremely secret. Even the manufacturing was extremely secret. The USA built, isolated and hid an entire city for manufacturing nuclear bombs. An entire city of ~75,000 people who were working on the bomb and hardly any of them knew what they were making. There were only a couple of dozen people who knew what was being made there.

Incidentally, the earliest work on a nuclear bomb was done in Britain. It was one of the things the UK gave to the USA in payment for their help in WW2.

The German nuclear bomb project failed. The existence of it was the initial spur for the USA nuclear bomb project, but it soon became apparent that the Germans were not making much progress on it. So apparent that the person who had been encouraging the USA to develop a nuclear bomb to counter the threat of the German nuclear bomb changed their position and argued against the development of the nuclear bomb.

Even today some countries cannot make certain technology. I was reading a couple of months ago that North Korea can't make vehicles. They have to import all the vehicles. Humanity, countries don't develop at the same speed, so it leaves an opening for one group of people to exploit the other.

North Korea is well aware of how to make vehicles. It's not secret knowledge hidden away by shadowy groups and unknown to the world. You've probably noticed some vehicles on roads around you. If North Korea can't make vehicles (which seems very unlikely to me - they're not that far behind technologically) the reason is either political (i.e. the NK government forbids it) or a lack of infrastructure.

There are very few altruistic people in the world, at least in very high positions.

True, but that doesn't mean that they would harm themselves by hiding more advanced technology that only they know about and thus they could exploit for their own benefit. Even if they were bona fide sociopaths that wouldn't be an appealing route for them to take. Nor does it mean that more advanced technology existed in the past and disappeared without a trace.

I'm not claiming every UFO is an alien or our advanced technology. By its very nature we both can't say it is that, or it is this.

Most of the wars in my life time have been about oil. Even the current Syrian war is about oil. As was Iraq, Afganistan, Libya etc. These top people don't want to lose control of their profits. I believe oil is known as "black gold".

No, those wars weren't about oil. Oil was a factor in them, but not the only one.

But even if they were just about oil, think about this:

The only reason oil is valuable enough to go to war over is because it's essential for a modern civilisation. If your magic free energy stuff existed, oil would be either far less valuable (if there was no way of making substitutes for oil-based products) or less than worthless (if there was a way of making those substitutes, oil would just be a messy, dangerous, pollutant). Do you think governments want to be dependent on unstable countries run by hostile forces? Do you think governments want to be embroiled in wars they know they can't actually win?

My theory (it is only a theory) is magnetic energy. But I readily admit that with todays technology it would be very difficult to focus the output to any useful degree. Though we don't know how far in front of the objects we see, are being built behind closed doors.

Your "theory" is not a theory. It's an untestable hypothesis that contradicts what it currently known and which has no supporting evidence.

What output are you referring to? How do you think two magnets in a vehicle can move the vehicle? Where is the energy coming from?

I agree. By the technology that we see today building a saucer shaped craft using magnetic energy wouldnt get off the ground. But then again we don't know how advanced the aircrafts being built in bases like Area 51 are. Maybe there is a magnetic energy craft that is flying around and people are seeing it thinking its aliens/ufo. From what I've seen if they had managed to build something like that then only a very select group of people would have clearance to see it, and none of them would be able to speak about it.

And the same thing would be equally true of Hogwarts and magic. Which is really what you're talking about - magic. You're just framing it as unknown technology that works in unknown ways. That's magic. It would be useful if it existed. You could just cut and paste "magic" where you wrote "magnetic" without any change in meaning. You're directly using "magnetic" as a straightforward synonym for "magic". Your "magnetism" doesn't work in the way that magnetism is known to work - it does whatever you want it to do. It's magic.

Incidentally, it would be possible to build a saucer shaped craft using magnetic energy that could get off the ground. It would only be a very small distance off the ground and only when above a magnetised track, of course. Maglev trains are a real thing and it would be possible to make a saucer shaped maglev train.

But even assuming you had magic powerful enough to do the job, why would you make a saucer shaped craft for atmospheric use? It's just not an efficient shape for that purpose.

I mean think about it, these "UFO" sightings happen and the government doesnt really do anything about it. They would only react that way if they knew what it was. If they didnt then they are very lax on defenses :)

Some people see Jesus in slices of toast. Do governments rush to make preprations for the End Of Days as a result? No, not even in the USA.

Various governments (including the UK) have investigated UFO sightings for potential security threats. Just in case, because they're not being lax. The results are the same - not a security issue because they're not alien spaceships or foreign aircraft using magictechnology.
anglillion ileave this to you outside of one fact.

iof you draw power from a permanent magnet you demangnatise it

permanent magnets hold very little powe.

your ship wouldn't last last start uop
My theory (it is only a theory) is magnetic energy. But I readily admit that with todays technology it would be very difficult to focus the output to any useful degree. Though we don't know how far in front of the objects we see, are being built behind closed doors.

permanent magnets arent permanent they demagnatise simply and quickly the entie ******* earths ore of millionso0f tones of roating metal can hardly spin aneedle.
it aint flying anything,.

you xceitment comes from a lack of education nothing more
anglillion ileave this to you outside of one fact.

iof you draw power from a permanent magnet you demangnatise it

permanent magnets hold very little powe.

your ship wouldn't last last start uop

permanent magnets arent permanent they demagnatise simply and quickly the entie ******* earths ore of millionso0f tones of roating metal can hardly spin aneedle.
it aint flying anything,.

you xceitment comes from a lack of education nothing more


Ok cool so you belive in perpetual motion and that 2 magnets repelling each other will make endless energy to fly a spaceship

Cool, amazing all the governments of the world bother with rockets and missiles and jet engines when we could have just had free holidays anywhere for no cost!!
Ok cool so you belive in perpetual motion and that 2 magnets repelling each other will make endless energy to fly a spaceship

Cool, amazing all the governments of the world bother with rockets and missiles and all that other stuff when they could have just made limitless free energy from a high school experiment

I do not believe anything of the sort. I was just absolutely amazed how you wrote what you wrote!
I do not believe anything of the sort. I was just absolutely amazed what how you wrote what you wrote!

What how I wrote what I wrote.

You sound worse than me

Oh I think inv3st was invent lol

(Summary for my mistakes magnets only contain the energy that was used to magnatisse them) you csnt make an engine out of them through nothing but 2 magnets
What how I wrote what I wrote.

You sound worse than me

Oh I think inv3st was invent lol

Since when is an extra word (a genuine typo even!) that made its way into a post worse than literally everything you typed in two posts :p
Ok cool so you belive in perpetual motion and that 2 magnets repelling each other will make endless energy to fly a spaceship

Cool, amazing all the governments of the world bother with rockets and missiles and jet engines when we could have just had free holidays anywhere for no cost!!

Everyone know that by taping two cats back to back they'd rotate indefinitely for energy.
Since when is an extra word (a genuine typo even!) that made its way into a post worse than literally everything you typed in two posts :p

Well my post in two post was that perpetual motion on the baiss on the principle that two permanent magnets oppose each other (and will move with any net energy gain which is pretty much against the fundamental principle of physics "conversation of energy") is ******** pretty much always.

It's like saying up is down
Everyone know that by taping two cats back to back they'd rotate indefinitely for energy.

But think of the bother you'd get from PETA!

It would make much more sense to use lots of slices of buttered toast taped back to back and a very large table to drop them from. That works the same way without any ethical concerns. It would also be more easily scalable and have lower maintainence costs because you wouldn't have to feed the toast.

Sheesh, people just aren't thinking this through in a practical way. ;)
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