I was having a look at radiator mounting options in my case, and although I can fit a slim triple rad across the bottom 2 fans I wondered If I had other options.

Here you can see the size of a regular 120mm fan next to one of the monsters :p


Notice the mounting holes on the fan bracket so I could in fact fit a twin rad directly to 2 120mm fans for possibly better pressure through the rad. Not only that but it also gives a little more clearance from the bottom of the gfx card and even more If I were to use a couple of 20mm thick yate loons.



Currently just whipped my corsair H50 out to try my old thermalright 120 and actually getting just as good temps as the H50 - looks a mess at the minute but purley for testing!

Really likeing this case at the moment, was planning to eventually get a 800D, but after seeing this case i've pretty much fallen in love with it lol, Just gotta save us those important pennies !
I'm loving this case too, is a bit of a struggle to justify £200 on a PSU-less case though when my Antec 900 seems to be doing just fine :(
just got mine for a bargin price, coming just waiting the R3 :p

EDIT: R3 ordered that will be here tomrrow as well happy days :)
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Case arrived very happy with it would 100% recomend it comeing from a antec 1200, heres a few pics the one with my huge paw in is to show just how massive those fans are :p
Best £175 i spent on the pc in along time happy days


Looks great, nice one BigBruiserAl. I don't ever regret buying mine and find it so nice to work in, loads of space so no fiddling around.
Looks great, nice one BigBruiserAl. I don't ever regret buying mine and find it so nice to work in, loads of space so no fiddling around.

yeah really happy prob do a build log got my sig rig to put in it so waiting on the R3 to come in and have a hard time justifying £220 on corsair GT's. Did you plug all the fans direct into the mobo...not sure if the mobos happy with all them plus push/pull on the cpu
Did you plug all the fans direct into the mobo...not sure if the mobos happy with all them plus push/pull on the cpu

My 180mm fans are plugged into adapters and connected to molex. I should imagine they pull a fair few amps and wouldn't fancy them on the mobo. From what I remember it came with the molex adapters?

Asus R3 - that looks the nuts :D this case was begging for 2x 5970's ;) I do love that board as well
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I have a perfectly good case. I have a perfectly good case. I have a perfectly good case. I have a perfectly good case. I have a perfectly good case. I have a perfectly good case.
My 180mm fans are plugged into adapters and connected to molex. I should imagine they pull a fair few amps and wouldn't fancy them on the mobo. From what I remember it came with the molex adapters?

Ah ha cheers dude found it hiding at the bottom, mind you 3 180mm of these on single molex:eek: hmm
Woah that is a sweet machine you have there and fully colour coordinated as well. Shame about the power supply's colour :p.

Was about to say the same nice too know the 5970s just about sqeeze in, thats one nice looking colour combination and powerful pc.

That should last a life time (1-2 years on this forum) 5 years+ outside this forum.
What an awesome looking case, I'll stick with my fat 1200 though, but if I were to buy 1 would prolly be this.
How good is the air flow on this compared to the antec 1200.
this case look nice :) has anyone gone fron a antec 1200 to this ?
Looks like my antec 1200 could be going on MM :) hmm black or red for my 5870 & 5850 :D

I like my antec 1200, but my case goes on the left hand side, so can't see through the window :(

3x 180 mm bottom mounted fans. is the 1x 120 mm top fan enough to exhaust ?

3x 180 mm bottom mounted fans. is the 1x 120 mm top fan enough to exhaust ?

Can't comment on the 1200 but Yes I think the one 120mm fan does a decent job. Bear in mind the PSU is getting it's intake and exhaust separately and if your gfx card is a slot blower it will just blow straight out the top. The rest of the heat just rises with the help of the 180mm fans and escapes through holes in the top directly above the hard drives and the holes that run along side the pci slots as well as the slots themselves.

am i right in thinking this

Is almost the same, the only difference being the exterior styling and some of the drive bays at the front?

Yes it's pretty much the same, the hard drives mount length ways as opposed to from the side but other than that cooling wise and space is pretty much identical. The raven is an acquired taste though with its external design :p
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