Difficult to describe because one person's idea of quiet is anothers loud.

I've had a lot of different fans and stuff over the years though and on the low setting I would say they are quiet and can't really be heard. In fact the GFX card is louder even at idle with low fan speed.

On the higher setting you can definitely hear a hum.
Difficult to describe because one person's idea of quiet is anothers loud.

I've had a lot of different fans and stuff over the years though and on the low setting I would say they are quiet and can't really be heard. In fact the GFX card is louder even at idle with low fan speed.

On the higher setting you can definitely hear a hum.

Cheers I know what you mean, I bought some enermax twister fans that were supposed to be 18db max i presumed they would be quiet but there anything but! i have to put them on slowest speed on fan controller to be able to bear the noise
My current build in progress!! The 5970's just about fit!!!

Very nice system. Whats the noise level like with the two 5970 and the 1000w corsair? Does the vertical mounting system mean the 5970 run cooler and quieter?
will this case fit the rampage III Extreme do you know ?

I've just had an urge :P

It definitely fits a rampage III extreme, I'm using a RIIIE in my Fortress 02 red/black right now.

One thing I've noticed is the temps drop by about 10 C on load (prime95, i7 4 ghz) when I remove the window, is it usually that dramatic on other cases?
I have a perfectly good case. I have a perfectly good case. I have a perfectly good case. I have a perfectly good case. I have a perfectly good case. I have a perfectly good case.

This made me lol like a little school boy watchin his mate fall over in the yard.

Wow, I'm simple.

But yeah sick case, Might invest one day.
How good is the air flow on this compared to the antec 1200.
this case look nice :) has anyone gone fron a antec 1200 to this ?
Looks like my antec 1200 could be going on MM :) hmm black or red for my 5870 & 5850 :D

I like my antec 1200, but my case goes on the left hand side, so can't see through the window :(

3x 180 mm bottom mounted fans. is the 1x 120 mm top fan enough to exhaust ?


i went from an antec 1200 to the raven rv02-e which is pretty much similar. The airflow is much much better in the silverstone. My i7 @ 4.8ghz idles at 30 degrees, and thats with only 2 of the 180mm fans in the bottom :)

My gfx cards idle around 31 degrees each.

Yes the fans are as you say 3 x 180mm intake 1 x 120mm exhaust

EDIT : Just seen its a thread ressurection DOH!
This is still a very good looking case, considered this when it was available, but in the end got a raven, if it did come back in stock it would get a few people interested.
Looks v.nice and clean. Fair play to the guy on P1, looks like a clean build.

A shame the thread is so old, and the cases aren't as sweet, lol.
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