Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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The first family from Ukraine seems to be in the UK now, seems they got no furniture with the house offered apart from a few couches.

when they leave the person basically gets all the furnishings for free then, if they do leave and go back to Ukraine anyway
The first family from Ukraine seems to be in the UK now, seems they got no furniture with the house offered apart from a few couches.

when they leave the person basically gets all the furnishings for free then, if they do leave and go back to Ukraine anyway

Or they they end up taking it with them or sell it. Not uncommon to see cars with trailers and vans loaded heading south or east. Probably depends on how long they stay, what their economic status is when they leave, and if their relatives are still alive in Ukraine by the time this ends.

I'll also add that I lived quite happily in my flat for years with just a futon and a lamp as my only furniture. Only had to get a sofa and table when I had a GF move in.
I don't think China would care unless the fallout, either politically or literally affected them

It would definitely cause friction considering their strategic policy is no-first-use, though it's probably just rhetoric I don't think they'd enjoy being exposed earlier than they intended to.

China is the only NWS to give an unqualified security assurance to non-nuclear-weapon states: "China undertakes not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States or nuclear-weapon-free zones at any time or under any circumstances."
Somebody was asking about 'Wali' the sniper

Reports suggest he has been moved units, the unit he originally joined when he got to Ukraine did not want the extra attention nor did it agree with his use of social media etc, They wanted anonymity, secrecy and as little attention as possible to allow them to conduct operations.
In other words from what I've read, it sounds like their priorities didnt align, and Wali was more interested in big juicy hits and satisfying his followers and glorifying his image.
I get it these guys are doing a hard enough job as it is. Snipers are already high value targets, they just dont need that drama.
The issue is that Putin is relying on his "Dead Hand", which is a set of automated launches to preprogrammed targets should seismic and flash sensors trigger.
Considering how well his badass state of the art army is doing I'm not sure he should be putting that much faith in a 40+ year old mainframe, even if it's only job is to send some emails to tell people to turn some keys xD
Reports suggest he has been moved units, the unit he originally joined when he got to Ukraine did not want the extra attention nor did it agree with his use of social media etc, They wanted anonymity, secrecy and as little attention as possible to allow them to conduct operations.
In other words from what I've read, it sounds like their priorities didnt align, and Wali was more interested in big juicy hits and satisfying his followers and glorifying his image.
I get it these guys are doing a hard enough job as it is. Snipers are already high value targets, they just dont need that drama.

I can see how that would be an issue. I guess it's a matter of weighing his effectiveness vs the hassle he may bring.
Here you are, apologies I would've assumed the video would be in the same context of the article.

yes I now listened to the video and the CNN presenter was just adamantly & ignorantly baiting Putins press secretary and exploiting his poor english, more context V
if that stupid women had been on the end of the phone during cuban crisis we'd(e:parents would) be toast.
Russia Leaves Nuclear Option On The Table For Ukraine
Considering how well his badass state of the art army is doing I'm not sure he should be putting that much faith in a 40+ year old mainframe, even if it's only job is to send some emails to tell people to turn some keys xD

Well the carrier pigeons that the oligarch sold as mainframe processing/messaging is probably bone dust by now.

I wouldn't diss the old technology - the MIG radar used a 8550 vacuum tube until the 80s. The same tube makes a rather awesome OTL amp power tube. It's probably more nuclear proof than Putin's bunker.. unused tubes from the 1930s are often still perfectly usable however once powered up and in use they have a limited shelf life.
Well, as you can get gazillions of roubles for a dollar bill, gas should be cheaper, no?

I would have thought he would be looking for suitcases of Uncle Sam greenbacks delivered to his post restante address in Switzerland c/o Mrs Putin.
This means in order to continue buying gas from Russia countries will have to buy rubles, thus raising the value/price of rubles. Quite a smart counterplay tbh.
Well, as you can get gazillions of roubles for a dollar bill, gas should be cheaper, no?

I would have thought he would be looking for suitcases of Uncle Sam greenbacks delivered to his post restante address in Switzerland c/o Mrs Putin.

Agreed there's probably a family trust but Putin hardly seems to trust anyone so he probably uses the oligarch nuts in a vice to extract uncle sam's greenbacks..
This means in order to continue buying gas from Russia countries will have to buy rubles, thus raising the value/price of rubles. Quite a smart counterplay tbh.

You purchase in Rubles and who sets the exchange rate? Putin I would expect as it's probably only available from the RU central bank.

The value of Rubles would only apply to internal markets, if Putin wants to buy from a friendly country then he may still find that there's a difficult exchange rate.
That pretty much guessable as the next step in the Putin-schedule.

It'll be interesting to see if the unfriendly nations still using Russian gas will be happy to prop up the Ruble in order to have that gas

This means in order to continue buying gas from Russia countries will have to buy rubles, thus raising the value/price of rubles. Quite a smart counterplay tbh.

It's only smart IF the nations are so desparate they will buy Rubles, as said above it will be interesting to see what happens
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