Why would you assume that?
Stocks prepared in peace time with no real aspiration to invade anywhere on a large scale.
Phrased it a little incorrectly tbh. I don't 'assume', was more of a question I suppose
Why would you assume that?
Another thing to be wary of - if this drags on long enough, even if Putin and the old guard die out, people in Russia will likely forget what they are fighting for and why, less and less will remember the world as it used to be, Russia will become trapped in a conflict vs the West kind of like North Korea but with an actual active war.
Stocks prepared in peace time with no real aspiration to invade anywhere on a large scale.
Phrased it a little incorrectly tbh. I don't 'assume', was more of a question I suppose
lol nope, this is nothing like WW2. Times have changed, Russia only have one tank manufacturer and they had to stop production as they don't have the parts. Once their hardware is gone that is it. Russia can't produce ****. And with no hardware it doesn't matter how many soldiers they have.
I wonder what Russias numbers are looking like. I know next to nothing about military equipment and/or stocks Thereof. I assume Russia has a much healthier stockpile then that of the US/NATO?
This is exactly the kind of thinking I'm warning about - you are looking at it from a peace time angle.
If they mobilise the population to a war footing that can change very fast, the shortages of foreign supplied parts can be replaced by domestic industry, the tooling and machinery is there, they can develop and expand current mining and processing/refining industries, etc. in a war time scenario this can happen at extraordinary pace compared to what we are used to seeing. For instance in WW2 ships which normally took ~2 years to build were being put together and into service in 40-50 days.
One stumbling block for Russia is their domestic industry and skill-base/experience with advanced semiconductors is over 10 years behind the current bleeding edge - this would limit some of their hardware to something more akin to their export specs especially advanced air defences and higher end tanks like the T-14 and not something which can be changed overnight or even over a few years. They could very rapidly adjust to producing export spec T72s, etc. domestically and in big numbers - those supply shortages are a peace time problem not a hard stumbling block.
Wow, Twitter really is a ******* joke
You need to stop worrying so much, you're going to give yourself an aneurysm.
Closing your eyes doesn't make the problem go away.
You just keep making stuff up to suit your anxious Andy attitude, this isn't WWII. Russia can 'mobilise' and try and make as many tanks as they want, it's just more cannon fodder for Nlaws. Haven't you learnt anything from this war. All of Russia's hardware is completely out of date. They've been sticking Canon DSLR's in their damn drones for goodness sake.
Quantity of tanks / amoured vehicles is a very outdated concept. Drones and anti-tank/Manpads rule the battlefields now.
So far most of the stuff I've "made up" in this thread... has had a bad habit of becoming reality in the long run...
The kind of political shifts we are seeing will unravel for decades to come so I cannot see things going back to the time where the west was cooperating with Russia (to an extend, there was always friction). This development also gives Russia little reason to resolve things diplomatically as there is no relationship left to salvage.
This is truly the end of an era that began after the Soviet Union collapsed. Europe is going to be worse off for decades to come as long as Russia will remain an enemy as opposed to a partner and doubt Putin's death will change Russia's foreign policy.
There's of course a chance that the war will end, Russia will withdraw out of Ukraine and politicians will try to find common ground but I just cannot see it, seems we are past the point of no return.
With 1300+ posts in this thread alone, I'd imagine some of your pessimism has to land eventually.
There is at least 2 RQ-4s operating, out of Crete and Sicily - both FORTE11 and 12 are in the sky currently. Which to me is somewhat ominous as overlapping persistent coverage is what I'd expect to see in the last 24 hours before more significant action.
@Rroff - could anyone sneak a sub into the black sea?