Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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*Russian President Putin: Russian Forces Acting Bravely And Efficiently In Ukraine
*Russian President Putin: Russia Will Resume Its Lunar Program
*Russian President Putin: Russia And Belarus Will Cooperate On Space Infrastructure Projects
*Russian President Putin: Confident Ukraine 'Operation' Targets Will Be Met
*Russian President Putin: By Carrying Out Military Operation In Ukraine, We Are Protecting Russia, We Had No Other Choice
*Russian President Putin: Clashes With Anti-Russian Forces In Ukraine Were Inevitable, It Was A Question Of Time
*Russian President Putin: Russia Not Planning To Isolate Itself From World
*Russian President Putin: Kyiv's Blatant Refusal To Implement The Minsk Agreement, (we) Cannot Continue To Tolerate Genocide
*Russian President Putin: Russia Will Launch A Lunar Probe And Deepen Space Links With Belarus
*Russian President Putin: Russia To Resume Lunar Program
*Russian President Putin: The Ukrainian Special Operation Mission Will Be Achieved, The Purpose Is Absolutely Clear And Noble
*Russian President Putin: It Is Important To Deepen Integration Between Russia And Belarus Given Sanctions
*Russian President Putin: Russia Keeps Favorable Oil, Gas Prices For Belarus
*Russian President Putin: It Is Important To Deepen The Integration Of Allied Countries In The Context Of The Sanctions War
*Russian President Putin: What Is Happening In Ukraine Is A Tragedy
*Russian President Putin: But Russia Had No Choice
*Russian President Putin: Russian Finance System Is Working Smoothly
*Russian President Putin: Blitzkrieg Against Russian Economy Has Failed
*Russian President Putin: We See Risks Concerning Logistics, Payments
*Russian President Putin: Risks Of Sanctions Impact May Rise In Mid- And Long-Term For Russian Economy
*Russian President Putin, On Sanctions, Says Hopes Common Sense Will Prevail In The West
*Russian President Putin: Best Solution For Economy Is To Cut Bureaucracy
*Russian President Putin: That If Our Partners Worsen The Situation, They Will Feel The Consequences Themselves
*Russian President Putin: Russian Economy Will Adapt To The Situation
*Russian President Putin: The World Today Is More Complex Than During The Cold War
*Russian President Putin: One Country Won't Keep Its Dominance — Agencies
*Russian President Putin: Russia, Belarus Will Find Markets For Fertilizers
*Russian President Putin: Current Central Bank Key Rate Is In Line With Macro Indicators We Have
*Russian President Putin: Russia Does Not Intend To Isolate And Cannot Be Strictly Isolated In Today's World
*Russian President Putin: (Talking About Economic Sanctions) The Blitzkrieg Expected By The West Did Not Happen
*Russian President Putin Warns of New Waves of Migrations Including Into Europe
*Russian President Putin: Russia's Special Military Operation In Ukraine Is Going As Planned
*Russian President Putin: We Shall Not Hide Anything About Our Military Operation In Ukraine
*Russian President Putin: Russia's Aim In Ukraine Is To Reach All Its Goals And Minimise Losses
*Russian President Putin: End Of Military Operation In Ukraine Depends On Intensity Of Fighting


*Russian President Putin: Situation In Ukraine's Bucha Is Fake
*Russian President Putin: Reports Of Bucha Atrocities 'Fake'
*Russian President Putin: Ukraine Has Deviated From Agreements Achieved At Talks In Istanbul
*Russian President Putin: Talks Are In Dead-End
*Russian President Putin: The West Does Not Understand That Difficult Conditions Unite Russian People
*Russian President Putin: Russia's Economic And Financial System Is On Its Feet
*Russian President Putin, Talking About Confronation With West: Time Will Put Everything in Its Proper Place
*Russian President Putin: Inflation And Rising Food And Petrol Prices In West Will Start To Put Pressure On Politicians There

*WTO: Higher Natural Gas Prices Will Affect European Countries More Than The United States
*The WTO Lowered Its 2022 World GDP Forecast To 2.8%
*Italian Prime Minister Draghi: Algeria Will Promote Natural Gas Exports
*Russian Gas Price for Moldova Doubles in April — Moldovagaz

*Ukraine’s Zelensky accuses Russian troops of 'hundreds of rapes' — AFP
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I was watching the Sky News video posted on the previous thread page.

I got to comment on when the Russian guy talked about how Russia would have to move to match anything that Nato does, especially if Finland and Sweden join.

Let's get it right, the Russia army seems to be acting like a WW2 army. It's very slow and has major supply line issues. Against Nato we'd easily defeat the Russian army. Likely the only reason we haven't hit Russia hard physically is because of the nuclear aspect.

There seems to be a false sense of security in Russia about its military. All the west as to do really, if not wanting to go to the nuke tactic, is to keep draining Russian military resources. Let's see the Russian military along all of its european border and see how long it can keep that up for.

It might be time to start talking past Putin and make hints at other Russian factions who want a way out of this situation.
is to keep draining Russian military resources
That is when they start getting desperate, but out of all the possibilities that is probably the best one.

*UN’s Food Aid Chief Says, Regarding Food Supply Tensions Linked to Ukraine War, “This Is A Multi-Year Problem”
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I would expect this - given previous history I would expect an invasion and a high number of incursions to false flag. There is no wiggle room for words we can only take actions as intent. Putin will point at NATO expansion yet, Putin has broken the trust by throwing away the agreements wrt Ukraine.

Putin is hell bent on starting world war three as his house of cards falls due to his invasion. China I suspect are hoping that they can survive the unfolding world food shortages due to Putin to annex a small island of Taiwan based on principles.

I don't think he's hell bent on starting www3, he is hell bent of protecting his assets or perceived assets.
Likely the only reason we haven't hit Russia hard physically is because of the nuclear aspect.
I dont think thats the reason. There is a bigger picture to look at here. Western countries/NATO are quite happy to sit back and funnel resourses to what at the moment is a contained and somewhat controlled conflict. Pick your battlefields, better insomeone elses backyard than ours. Its not in our interests to escalate things by directly attacking Russia without prior provokation (Russia directly attacking NATO). All that would acheive is further instability over a wider front, more economic hardships world wide. With the added possibility of other well equipped nations joining (China?). In this situation there is the threat of a world wide conflict (Not necessarily nuclear).
This needs to be kept localised and limited, if this conflict breaks beyond the borders of Ukraine, this whole situation is going to become a lot more uncomfortable for everybody.
I dont see nuclear as anything other than a last resort, last hoorah of a nation destineded to be crushed. Even Russia themselves has stated that nuclear would only be used in the case of an existential threat to Russia. Its a threat that gets banded around to scare western populace.
*Russian President Putin: Talks Are In Dead-End
*Ukrainian Presidential Adviser Podolyak, Asked About Putin Comments That Talks Are at Dead-End: Negotiations Continue
*Ukrainian Presidential Adviser Podolyak: Russia Is Trying to Put Pressure on Peace Talks with Its Public Statements
*Ukrainian Presidential Adviser Podolyak: Talks Are Very Hard, They Are Continuing at Level of Working Sub-Groups

*Italy Prime Minister Draghi To Visit Republic Of Congo, Angola To Seek Gas Supply Deals

Lot of tweets about what the US defense official is saying here:
I don't have these headlines personally.
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I mean it's still a fascist salute, and illegal to give in Italy as a result. Not exactly smart when your fascist homeland is currently invading, and going full war crime, in another European nation.

It looks like he was just messing about, judging the the laughter and seemed to be looking at certain people afterwards?

Still, a bit of a silly thing to do if you want a career in racing.
It looks like he was just messing about, judging the the laughter and seemed to be looking at certain people afterwards?

Still, a bit of a silly thing to do if you want a career in racing.

probably a very unpopular opinion here, but to me (god help me here) he looks like he was pumping his chest and giving love to his fans (pointing towards them from his heart type thing). If only he retracted 3 of his fingers, then this would not be a story.
Shutting off Russia and forcing Europe to develop domestic supplies and make fair agreements in Africa (challenging China) is a win win.
probably a very unpopular opinion here, but to me (god help me here) he looks like he was pumping his chest and giving love to his fans (pointing towards them from his heart type thing). If only he retracted 3 of his fingers, then this would not be a story.

He said it was the Roman Salute so... no?
Past 30mins:
*IMF: Has Reached Staff-Level Agreement To Increase Support To Moldova By About $267 Million Under Extended Fund Facility
*IMF: Additional Funds Will Help Moldova Meet Urgent Balance Of Payments Needs Related To War In Ukraine And Sanctions On Russia And Belarus
*WTO: Russia-Ukraine Conflict Jeopardizes Global Trade Recovery

*Mayor Of Ukrainian City Of Mariupol: Latest Estimate Is That Around 21000 Civilian Residents Of Mariupol Have Been Killed Since Start Of Russian Invasion
*Ukraine's Governor Of Donetsk Region: Russia Is In Final Stage Of Regrouping Its Forces, Evacuations Continue In Region
*Ukraine’s Governor Of Donetsk Region: Shelling in Region Happening Round the Clock, Situation Is Difficult
*Ukraine's Governor Of Donetsk Region: Residents Of Mariupol Not Being Allowed To Leave Even In Their Own Cars For The Second Day Running
*Ukraine Deputy Prime Minister: 2671 Civilians Evacuated From Front Line Areas On Tuesday
*Ukraine Deputy Prime Minister: Evacuees Include 208 Residents Of Mariupol And 2135 Residents Of Cities And Towns Of Zaporizhzhia Region

*Russian Oil And Gas Condensate Production Falls On April 11 To 9.76 Million Barrels/Day
*Russian Oil And Gas Condensate Production Declines On April 1-11 To 10.32 Million Barrels/Day From 11.01 Million Barrels/Day On Average In March
*Advisor To The Director Of The Russian Social And Political Center: The United States Cannot Separate India From The BRICS And Russia, But Its Plot Continues
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Let's get it right, the Russia army seems to be acting like a WW2 army. It's very slow and has major supply line issues. Against Nato we'd easily defeat the Russian army. Likely the only reason we haven't hit Russia hard physically is because of the nuclear aspect.

There seems to be a false sense of security in Russia regarding its military. All the west as to do really, if not wanting to go to the nuke tactic, is to keep draining Russian military resources. Let's see the Russian military along all of its European border and see how long it can keep that up for.

I said it a while back on this thread. What this botched invasion has shown up more than anything else, is how utterly bad the Russian military actually is, if Putin didn't have nuclear weapons to hide behind we'd wipe them out in a week if we actually had any real intention. I believe it would it would go as one-sided and as quickly as Gulf War 1
Just seen a vid of about 11 Ukrainian soldiers being wiped out at close range by Russian tank, seemingly oblivious to the threat, what were they thinking.
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