Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Another convoy of BMPT Terminators spotted in slightly unusual configuration - from the signs of the underlying paint beneath the current camo possibly ones used in Syria or originally being built for Algeria.

Also another sighting of Terminators and what looks like some Shilkas they've found down the back of a sofa somewhere and welded steel plates to them - seem to be configured for anti-infantry rather than AD use ( )
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oh how fast the tables turn!

Another convoy of BMPT Terminators spotted in slightly unusual configuration - from the signs of the underlying paint beneath the current camo possibly ones used in Syria or originally being built for Algeria.

Also another sighting of Terminators and what looks like some Shilkas they've found down the back of a sofa somewhere and welded steel plates to them - seem to be configured for anti-infantry rather than AD use ( )

Interesting given the very pro-russian stance of that account.
Only a matter of time before one of those 'Terminators' shows on Reddit or Twitter as smoking ruin of molten twisted metal (that's assuming Russia is serious and use it on the front lines I'll give a week).
Made me chuckle. :D

Putin's daughter is dating Zelensky! Vlad's Katerina is revealed to be in a relationship with ballet star who shares the same name as Ukraine's president

I briefly picked up on something in the news regarding Russian Troops capturing an area where a Ukrainian Right Wing/Fascist/Nazi organisation resided.

I also heard on the news that Russia has said that some on the Ukrainian Prisoners of War (POW) will NOT be exchanged because they are Fascists War Criminals.

I wonder if these captured bone fide Fascists or other patriotic POWs will stand trial in Russia along the same lines as the “Show Trials” in the 1930s where leaders admitted, mainly by threats to their families, to the most implausible acts such as contaminating petrol in military vehicles in faraway military depots etc.

It would certainly reinforce Putin’s argument, within Russian public opinion, about Ukraine being a Fascist State.

I wonder if Ukraine had outlawed those Fascist organisations. If it didn't, I expect they hoped they had.
Lots of wondering.... its called freedom of speech we have own little tribes wandering around the UK, otherwise we as well be in Russia.
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