Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Russia will have plans upon plans for the taking of Finland, probably more detailed than any other.

Mind you these plans will be based on some early 1980s children's map where rivers are fluffy meadows and not a bog infested insectoid forest with lots of "secret Sauna`s" which is the Finish equivalent of dogging in a car park :)

There does seem to be mixed feeling regarding how things are going in Donbas. No doubt those on the front lines under assault will feel like they’re being overwhelmed vs the wider scale strategy Ukraine seem to prefer of attriting the Russians before falling back.
I guess we’ll see! I hope Ukraine can push down from Kharkiv and cut off or dilute the assault and then eventually when they feel Russia has over extended hit back in a co. Best case causing a collapse and quickish victory.
The alternate is both sides digging in with 40km no man’s lands and it drags on for years. :(
Ukraine is in a bit of a sticky situation at the moment in that they need to be able to consolidate gains as they push the Russians out systematically, which means they aren't pushing on a whole front, while also their best chances in the long run of winning is interdicting supply routes which means in the short term some of the frontlines are under incredible pressure and there will be a race of attrition between Russian gains along the lines of contact and the ability for Ukraine to choke off their ability to wage war.

Unfortunately Ukraine needs to mobilise 100s of thousands of irregular forces so as to be able to stop the Russians simply pushing back against territory that Ukraine is liberating parallel with the border as the regular forces move on to the next area.
Video shows the much-vaunted 'Terminator' armoured vehicles, which are designed to support infantry units fighting in urban areas, in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine (left). The deployment of the BMPT Terminator comes as Russia's invasion of Ukraine has taken a heavy toll on Putin's main army tanks - the T-90M tank - after Ukrainian troops continue to obliterate them with rockets.

So when we going to see the first one explode?
Probably looked at a map of the road to Helsinki and was like "no, no and **** no". (river crossings).

In this respect it is a bit annoying that most of my main sources for information on this kind of stuff are focusing on events inside Ukraine, mostly just amplifying what is coming up in the news rather than doing the kind of investigative stuff they'd been doing the last few years - it is hard to find good information on what Russian moves may or may not be in respect to the western flank with Finland, etc. so far though aside from some supplemental missile forces and air-defences it doesn't look like the situation has changed much on the Russian side of the border in terms of military movement.

Haha I just looked at that and was like wtf, Finland is like 50% water, there is just endless lakes after lakes as far as the eye can see and it means any invasion will have to follow extremely narrow routes between impassable terrain that makes your invasion extremely vulnerable
"Ten more European gas buyers have opened accounts in Gazprombank JSC, doubling the total number of clients preparing to pay in rubles for Russian gas as President Vladimir Putin demanded."

What's the point of the eu passing a law if most just work around it.
Glad we left.
i can imagine the situation would be seriously bad if we had our gas cut off at home. cant use the stove, combi boiler wont work so no hot water for showers etc. its a nasty situation to be in so i can totally understand why they have to pay the gas money.
i can imagine the situation would be seriously bad if we had our gas cut off at home. cant use the stove, combi boiler wont work so no hot water for showers etc. its a nasty situation to be in so i can totally understand why they have to pay the gas money.

This is the thing - unless the West rallies around, which will involve a lot of cost up front and effort, to solve these problems Russia will probably be able to hold out a lot longer than the West will.

As with climate change a lot of this is just lip service and being seen to do something, then just continuing as normal under another guise.
This is the thing - unless the West rallies around, which will involve a lot of cost up front and effort, to solve these problems Russia will probably be able to hold out a lot longer than the West will.

As with climate change a lot of this is just lip service and being seen to do something, then just continuing as normal under another guise.

This is the real problem for politicians.

People's support for action relates directly to the impact on them and the people they know.

Without a quick resolution, one way or the other, the public mood is likely to change as their standard of living drops.

I guess time will tell, but I'm a born cynic.
hypothetically speaking if nato were to put boots on the ground in ukraine how long would it take to get the russians out?

Depends a lot how well the air situation goes - Russia seems unable or unwilling to fly any significant numbers of aircraft in Ukraine and their air-defences don't seem overly effective but that might be due to being hamstrung by the potential for civilian collateral damage outside of Ukraine - their air-defence systems seem to have been designed more with total war in mind than a situation like currently.

(It is telling how far off Russia keep its civilian air traffic - they obviously don't trust their systems if they have to go hot with the longer range, more advanced, systems).

If NATO gains air-superiority/supremacy their forces on the ground would be toast in literally a matter of hours.
There’s absolutely no need to think about it at all though. With the way the war is progressing and the mixed messages coming from Moscow, it would be a foolhardy escalation on our part.
Quite some pilot training going on today over the UK - I've never seen Draken Europe out in such force before.

Some interesting Russian flights out of Tunisia and Turkey as well.

Also if I was a betting man - it looks like someone from Russia - probably someone quite important/high up has been for medical treatment in the US via Switzerland hmmm.
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Forte11 doing a different pattern to most of the usual missions - usually much tighter runs wider with less depth.


Bit odd as usually that kind of pattern is sub-hunting which is usually left to maritime patrol aircraft like the P8s.

This is kind of amusing:

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