Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I wonder what's Russias obsession with the UK in particular when it's the whole of Europe helping Ukraine one way or another. It feels like having stalkering Ex living rent-free in their head.

Csar Nicholas was related to our royal family.

Ian Fleming always cast Smersh as the bad guys.

We diss them at each and every opportunity.

Our GDP is bigger than theirs.

The Queen had a better seat than Vladimir the cossack Putin.

They poison people.
Clearly, you have smoking too much NATO funny stuff.

The AK-Pitchfork-ty7 will become the new standard issue russian assault weapon, easily thrown at least 100miles to out-range the poor HIMARS rockets and the splash damage is close to that of a tactical nuke. It's also made of 100yr old classic soggy wood, making it fully biodegradable and furthermore, it will be laced with anti-Nazi toxins to cripple the hoardes of Nazi-Ukranian zombies straddling the front lines.

To finish off puny islands like the UK, the hypersonic nuke tidal wave dolphin will be deployed, only harming England (not Wales, NI, Ireland or Scotland).

Sweet Baby Jesus :eek:

No-one can survive the AK-Pitchfork-ty7 so we'd best pull out our support for Ukraine ASAP to avoid becoming a target for such advanced MEGA-Weaponry :D
I'm lovin that permabanned avatar haha

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I wonder what's Russias obsession with the UK in particular when it's the whole of Europe helping Ukraine one way or another. It feels like having stalkering Ex living rent-free in their head.
Because they know, that we know, Russian equipment is pants!!! and have destroyed their so called Supper Tank with a GirlPod lol NLAW. Their antique fighters and Navy hiding as our old English electric Lightenings would be more than a match for their latest aircraft.
Csar Nicholas was related to our royal family.

Ian Fleming always cast Smersh as the bad guys.

We diss them at each and every opportunity.

Our GDP is bigger than theirs.

The Queen had a better seat than Vladimir the cossack Putin.

They poison people.

Simply because we’re seen as a US puppet country that has easy politicians.
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