I don't think any NATO countries will be putting any bases in Ukraine.USA wants a military base in Ukraine or something?
or does UKraine want that but are afraid it's citizens might need a bit of pressure to accept it
I don't think any NATO countries will be putting any bases in Ukraine.USA wants a military base in Ukraine or something?
or does UKraine want that but are afraid it's citizens might need a bit of pressure to accept it
why not? it's the cold war 3.0 isn't Russia already talking with Cuba.I don't think any NATO countries will be putting any bases in Ukraine.
You say that, but in reality there is a direct correlation between Putin's popularity and how hard Russia's security is being "threatened" by the west and their economy sanctioned as a result of his actions. It's like the more **** he brings down on his people the more popular he becomes because all they see is the US and friends raining **** down on them and him standing up to them. This is why he set a record vote % in 2018 due to the Trump administrations heavy anti-Russia stance driving up his popularity at home.Lots of Russians might be suspicious of NATO/the west but they're not all that enthusiastic about invading Ukraine either and Russian troops suffering casualties in large numbers and/or Russia getting hit severely economically can go rather badly for Putin.
No, however neither of those we're pre-planned so build up was impossible.did Russia have such a public build up before the Georgia and Crimea invasions?
The US has stopped short of threatening blocking SWIFT. Iran was blocked from SWIFT and essentially it was put into the dark ages.
What the UN/US would likely do is focus on sanctions of assets for Russia. China would then be in breach and thus sanctions would also appear in that area too.
Russia tend to be dismissive of sanctions, but China may not be so happy given it needs trade to get itself out of the property hole.
They have about 50 MiG-29 (F-16 equivalent) and 30 Su-27 (F-15 equivalent) so while not amazing and having no chance vs the Russian Air Force it's not exactly nothing.air is the main worry because ukraine has none
Problems at home? Pick a fight with someone external. It's a classic political ploy. That seems to be what he's doing.
Elections meh...
You say that, but in reality there is a direct correlation between Putin's popularity and how hard Russia's security is being "threatened" by the west and their economy sanctioned as a result of his actions. It's like the more **** he brings down on his people the more popular he becomes because all they see is the US and friends raining **** down on them and him standing up to them. This is why he set a record vote % in 2018 due to the Trump administrations heavy anti-Russia stance driving up his popularity at home.
In times when relations with the west have been okay Putin has been elected with mediocre to okay shares of the vote (53% in 2000 and 64% in 2012) but in times when Russia's economy is being negatively influenced by the west and their security/position vocally threatened by western politicians he has had much more commanding victories (72% in 2004 and 77.5% in 2018).
On a comical note, Putin didn't stand in 2012 as they had a two term limit in place at the time (later repealed to "set the people free to elect whoever they wanted") and Dmitry Medvedev ended up being elected to replace him with the highest voter % of any Russian president in history on the highest turnout since 1991. Putin managed to surpass this in 2018 (the winning % not the turnout) as mentioned above, but it's worth noting he isn't as popular as it may seem he just lacks credible opposition.
No, however neither of those we're pre-planned so build up was impossible.
Their Georgia invasion was an ill thought out reactionary measure in response to Georgia's invasion of South Ossetia (a small former Soviet autonomous province/region between Russia and Georgia, it claimed independence after the USSR broke up, Georgia claimed ownership of it as they owned it 100+ years ago, and Russia don't want it as there's no Russians there, it's complicated lol) which itself was a response to Ossetians shelling Georgian villages. The Russian's had no advance knowledge they would be invading Georgia so were unable to build up for it (which was showed in their lacklustre performance against a completely outmatched/outclassed enemy)
Their Crimean "invasion" didn't really involve mobilising troops just the ones already stationed there (as they had bases from the Soviet era there thanks to agreements with Kiev) albeit sans uniforms. Again this couldn't have been pre-planned as it was a response to Crimea's decision to hold a referendum on reunification which was a response to the new Ukrainian government (following the coup that removed the Crimean backed president) begin implementing anti-Crimean laws.
So yeah neither of those we're pre-planned but that doesn't mean they wouldn't have planned for them if they could have.
unless march comes before February in Russia!?
There's probably thousands of men infiltrating key locations already, think tv stations parliamentary buildings etc,
Biden has shown himself to be very weak, Putin can do what he wants. Hopefully those uk c17 flights were bringing back our spies and equipment. Maybe an evacuation of sorts, hopefully all the dogs are out OK.
There's probably thousands of men infiltrating key locations already, think tv stations parliamentary buildings etc,
Biden has shown himself to be very weak, Putin can do what he wants. Hopefully those uk c17 flights were bringing back our spies and equipment. Maybe an evacuation of sorts, hopefully all the dogs are out OK.
There's probably thousands of men infiltrating key locations already, think tv stations parliamentary buildings etc,
Their Georgia invasion was an ill thought out reactionary measure in response to Georgia's invasion of South Ossetia (a small former Soviet autonomous province/region between Russia and Georgia, it claimed independence after the USSR broke up, Georgia claimed ownership of it as they owned it 100+ years ago, and Russia don't want it as there's no Russians there, it's complicated lol) which itself was a response to Ossetians shelling Georgian villages. The Russian's had no advance knowledge they would be invading Georgia so were unable to build up for it (which was showed in their lacklustre performance against a completely outmatched/outclassed enemy)