Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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RAF Rivet Joint with Typhoon escort heading into Black Sea mission

Don't say "we" I don't have a problem buying anything from Russia, but those that do are kidding themselves the EU are really sanctioning Russia. They are providing Ukraine with modern arms with one hand and giving billions to Russia via intermediaries with the other. But that's how the EU works behind the scenes.
they ARE sanctioning Russia tho. I agree it is far from ideal what is happening but short of some countries letting their populace freeze or starve its a really tough situation.

For all my issues with our government this is one area where i sympathise and think they are doing a pretty decent job. i would not want to be the one making the calls either our governemnt or the EU are having to make WRT Russia and the Ukraine. We should (by we i mean the whole of Europe because we are not directly reliant on Russian fossil fuels, but are indirectly) never have gotten into this position of being so reliant on Russia. iirc Trump of all people warned it was a bad idea (proof even a broken clock is right twice a day)........
but we are where we are now and whilst it is inevitable we will all move away from russian fossil fuels, it logistically cant happen over night.
Oc uk should start stocking the How to Tankie guidebook. It will be a decent seller, there are a few forum users who need to read it to understand the way of the tankie
^^ yeah thats the `if you want to start WW3 we`ll shoot right back`

Not sure if it is brave or stupid - the US have stopped manned missions over the Black Sea for some time now and even pulled their drones to Romanian airspace after the last incident. We apparently don't give a ****.
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Not sure if it is brave or stupid - the US have stopped manned missions over the Black Sea for some time now and even pulled their drones to Romanian airspace after the last incident. We apparently don't give a ****.

Its poking the bear , `try that again and you will die` . SInce the only reason WW3 hasnt started is because of a malfunctioned Russian weapon....
You are aware that if they were on a mission their radar would be off? lol

Intel missions (EDIT: Outside of actual war time) generally still fly with transponders on unless there is a specific reason not to, though their are periods they disappear.

EDIT: Also a lot of these missions are intended to be seen especially by Russia.
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The UK should post some of the submarine tracks :p

Not sure if it is brave or stupid - the US have stopped manned missions over the Black Sea for some time now and even pulled their drones to Romanian airspace after the last incident. We apparently don't give a ****.

The US was still flying RQ-4's on radar over the black sea even after the incident, no idea if they still are.
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The US was still flying RQ-4's over the black sea even after the incident.

Last 2-3 weeks they just fly up along Romania.

On another note UK government plane being escorted by Typhoons and other stuff through the Med on the way to Greece - haven't checked up on the news as to what that is about.
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Yet more things that arnt true at all from Chris Wilson:

Which I counter with:


Oh good grief I am such an evil person.
I saw a video yesterday - a Russian soldier had carefully dig himself a fox hole. In case of emergency, he could just dive in. Such an emergency happened, a drone dropped a grenade close by. Like lightning, the solider dove in to his foxhole. What he failed to notice was a second drone that had dropped a grenade in the foxhole two seconds earlier.
I will now go an beat myself for half an hour and beg forgiveness from God.
2 (or 2 flights) of Typhoons went out, only one coming back, I assume the other just hasn't turned their transponder on.

EDIT: Literally as I posted that it popped up on ADS-B [MLAT].
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