Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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And considering what the Germans did to the Poles, that's a pretty high bar.
It makes a lot of sense simply from a mathematical point of view.

2023 - 1945 = 78
2023 - 1991 = 32

There will be significantly more people alive that remember the USSR than people who remember the Reich.

83.24% of all statistics are made up on the spot
People think this is a joke but the numbers are correct, it's was actually a tweet from Albert Einstein.

Good riddance, one less vatnik firing Cruise missiles into Ukraine.
Good news, it's a two seat aircraft :)
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both pilots ejected after guiding the plane away from built up area
It was also reported that every crewmember got of the Moskva before it sank due to that "accidental fire" too :p

+ Russia pay damages.. they can't afford it. Screw Russia to the ground.
It's probably worth pointing out that this was the attitude towards Germany as WW1 was closing, and that it directly caused WW2.
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It was also reported that every crewmember got of the Moskva before it sank due to that "accidental fire" too :p

It's probably worth pointing out that this was the attitude towards Germany as WW1 was closing, and that it directly caused WW2.

Well that attitude mixed with politics, complacency and a mix of hubris towards what Germany was doing allowing them to build up to a military force to be reckoned with. Many, like in recent years, we so convinced that the advanced in global trade, finance and communications, etc. would mean there wouldn't be another major war... and we'll probably see the same cycle all over again.
Regardless of the aspect of the two tanks I think those old commie tanks are slightly out matched!
One was built to dig in and face off against hordes of the other.

But that moment of being rushed 5:1 by soviet tanks was earlier in this war so the perfect scenario is probably not going to happen. Where are these hordes of unsupported tanks going to come from now.

Everyone's going to be using their tanks in back and forth fighting in a miserable mess of infantry, artillery, mines, drones, antitank missiles and mud. I don't think they'll be used differently but they might survive better and be able to take and succeed with more shots.
+ Russia pay damages.. they can't afford it. Screw Russia to the ground.
There is no world in which Russia will agree to pay damages to Ukraine unless once again you are suggesting the Ukraine is in a position to invade and defeat Russia.
One was built to dig in and face off against hordes of the other.

But that moment of being rushed 5:1 by soviet tanks was earlier in this war so the perfect scenario is probably not going to happen. Where are these hordes of unsupported tanks going to come from now.

Everyone's going to be using their tanks in back and forth fighting in a miserable mess of infantry, artillery, mines, drones, antitank missiles and mud. I don't think they'll be used differently but they might survive better and be able to take and succeed with more shots.

Tank warfare largely still comes down to who gets the first shot on target - albeit some of the older guns might struggle with penetration against the more up armoured parts of modern tanks. Which is partly where things like optics and support of things like drones come in.
Well Ukraine just release photos of its new drone torpedoes- they literally look like a bomb with a couple motors attached, they claim the onboard battery can power the torpedo for 3 months so it can just sit loitering for a target.

However I suspect it's just a prototype and they aren't ready to deploy them in the Black Sea, a real pitty!

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Western powers have frozen these assets but the question is if we can legally reappropriate them???

In many countries there's laws around confiscation of assets when the source of funds was criminal activity that can be used, in the UK we have the 'Unexplained Wealth Order'. One of the key things for a lot of the assets is just getting an idea of who really is the beneficial owner as its all hidden behind layers of shell companies. Once the owner is known, they've usually still got enough funds to pay lawyers to drag proceedings out to hold onto the assets. It seemed to take forever to deal with Zamira Hajiyeva as an example.

Some of the assets won't have a good re-sale value - the market for second hand superyachts formerly owned by Russians with criminal connections isn't going to be great. It could just turn out that at best we're depriving the Putin inner circle the use of their expensive toys :(
More war crimes

Putin wants Ukrainians in the occupied territories who refuse Russian citizenship to be deported

So now he's not just annexing their land, he's also deporting them out of it, like the Jews in WW2

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More war crimes

Putin wants Ukrainians in the occupied territories who refuse Russian citizenship to be deported

So now he's not just annexing their land, he's also deporting them out of it, like the Jews in WW2

Well, replace the population with one that votes for Russia and you have achieved your aim.
The amazing CR2 Vs. T-14 fact is that CR2 is couple of kph faster despite being 20 tonnes heavier.

Without the Russian Airforce overhead, CR2s should be able to play sniper and out range anything Russian.

I don't suppose they will last that long. They have big fat X's on them. But hopefully they will do some real damage before they are picked off.
In many countries there's laws around confiscation of assets when the source of funds was criminal activity that can be used, in the UK we have the 'Unexplained Wealth Order'. One of the key things for a lot of the assets is just getting an idea of who really is the beneficial owner as its all hidden behind layers of shell companies. Once the owner is known, they've usually still got enough funds to pay lawyers to drag proceedings out to hold onto the assets. It seemed to take forever to deal with Zamira Hajiyeva as an example.

Some of the assets won't have a good re-sale value - the market for second hand superyachts formerly owned by Russians with criminal connections isn't going to be great. It could just turn out that at best we're depriving the Putin inner circle the use of their expensive toys :(

I know how this is done on a criminal level. Legally though these are owned by individuals who haven't been convicted of any crime. I think you would at least need to pass new laws to seize the assets of Russian people.

However you do set a dangerous precident. Billionaires from other dictatorships may become wary of investing in your economy because of the threat of asset seizure.
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