Yeah, I'm not commenting on whether a peace deal is good, bad or achievable. Simply that the author of that tweet actually went to lengths to provide accurate information that is being presented unfairly again by Colonel_Klinck. Personally I think a peace deal is somewhere at the end of a road that we're simply determining the length and cost of in lives and money.
I'm happy to be proved wrong and Ukraine defeats Russia, but the opposite isn't off the table either.
I don't think the subtext is that anyone loves war and I don't think that's suggested.
Neither side appears to be able to act decisively enough on the battlefield as it stands to be able to force the other to the negotiating table, if that was even a choice bad deal or otherwise.
Russia is a difficult one to gauge in this respect - people are far too quick to write them off and often with good reason none the less, but they are still dragging this war out and sometimes their capabilities work - all this talk of F-16s concerns me as if Russia is forced to escalate the air war and their on paper capabilities even half work out then that actually swings the war against Ukraine rather in Ukraine's favour unless Ukraine is given the capabilities and freehand to go fully after air defences, bases and other related infrastructure within Russian territory - people don't seem to be looking far enough ahead on this one and convinced that Russia's capabilities will be abject failures in use which may or may not be the case. Russia can poorly afford to escalate the air war, struggles with the complexities of large scale air operations, and has significant difficulties with its S-300 and 400 and other complexes but if their hand is forced I would not be quick to write off the impact they would have.