Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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"EU to train 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers in 2023. Ukraine's Defense Ministry announced on June 20 that up to 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers will be trained under the EU Military Assistance Mission for Ukraine."
Most likely they are going to fund/give advisors to the current scheme running in the uk.

We are far enough away to train safely and have the best sites in europe for it.
Do we think in Ukraine this time (accepting some doubt about last pic)

even so some of the comments are quiet fun

I really hope in actual use they have some kind of armour and other theatre package on them.

It would take some effort to geolocate it but personally I'd say that was more likely southern England than Ukraine - drop into Google Maps anywhere around Bovington, etc. you'll see very similar foliage.
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I really hope in actual use they have some kind of armour and other theatre package on them.
Very very doubtful! We dont hold many TES kits as it is. I'm sure I was told they hold maybe a sqn's worth of the kits if I remember correctly. Thats not official mind just something that came up in conversation with a lad from KRH.
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