Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I’m well aware, it still doesn’t excuse the madness.

Only lately, cause things heated up. Did not care about it since initial Crimean and Donbass war quite frankly.

You better not be. Returnees are strictly forbidden.

Oh no I'm not. Just joking of course, you can check the IP.

Now Putin is going on about nukes Ukraine wants to get. Oh boy.

Now he's saying the Americans will help Ukraine get nukes on top of this. Holy moly.
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This stuff is getting very worrying, what he is speaking about now. This stuff is literally justifying WHOLE invasion of Ukraine rather than Donbass.

Ok guys, the invasion of whole Ukraine is on right now....
This stuff is getting very worrying, what he is speaking about now. This stuff is literally justifying WHOLE invasion of Ukraine rather than Donbass.

Has that not been the plan all along? Wish he'd just get on with it. The West will have a moan but not actually help Ukraine and it'll settle back down again before long.
I just wonder in all of this, how far Putin actually intends to go, if he gets Ukraine, does he want more after?

He didn't stop at Georgia nor Crimea, tyrants like him never stop until someone stops them.
I can't imagine the stress this is causing Ukrainians it must be insufferable, all because of this one pathetic little rat Putin.
Has that not been the plan all along? Wish he'd just get on with it. The West will have a moan but not actually help Ukraine and it'll settle back down again before long.

We sort of having being treading lightly about sticking to Donbass quite frankly.

Until about 3 minutes ago....

Imagine if he ends with, 'I'm tired of this crap, goodbye' and just quits.

Now he's getting all angry with NATO and USA.... What if he rolls tanks in Europe at this point.

He's now crying about how he tried to enter NATO when he liked west in 2000.
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Its funny how Putin is rambling on how this is all Soviets faults for being too lenient on self determination and support of soviet republics and their nationalities. Aka he's angry that Soviets allowed republics to have their own nationally identity and language.

Indeed - he's looking to format the land akin to Orwells '84.

When he's passed on, the future will simply see change and the decay of his legacy. There is nothing he can do to prevent it. Mother Nature gives Mother Russia a bitch slapping the likes of Putin has never stands a chance.

I feel that the EU will do little given there's no imminent/immediate threat, hoping that history culls the old guard before they progress too far. That way they don't have to lift a finger. The US? well there's no money in Ukraine for them, no resources, oil or silicon fabrication.

The EU has more issues with securing nuclear fuel that russia is currently strategically going after with little or no opposition.

Nature only rewards those that take. Not those that collaborate.
Now he's getting all angry with NATO and USA.... What if he rolls tanks in Europe at this point.

He's now crying about how he tried to enter NATO when he liked west in 2000.

Like a chip on his shoulder. He wants total power. However it will never be his. Poor guy.
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