Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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"5 days ago Russia launched a Soyuz-2-1v rocket into space, carrying a classified payload for the Ministry of Defense. Satellite Kosmos-2575 is now in orbit and under the control of the Russian Air and Space Forces"

Maybe this "satellite" is already carrying a nuke?
"5 days ago Russia launched a Soyuz-2-1v rocket into space, carrying a classified payload for the Ministry of Defense. Satellite Kosmos-2575 is now in orbit and under the control of the Russian Air and Space Forces"

Maybe this "satellite" is already carrying a nuke?
Sounds like a revamped "Iraq has WMD" time for action type claim.
"5 days ago Russia launched a Soyuz-2-1v rocket into space, carrying a classified payload for the Ministry of Defense. Satellite Kosmos-2575 is now in orbit and under the control of the Russian Air and Space Forces"

Maybe this "satellite" is already carrying a nuke?

TBH it could be as relatively trivial as Russia having launched a military satellite with high resolution optical capabilities - when this war kicked off Russia was down to one fully working military satellite capable of high-res photography and that was still well behind the features and resolution of the latest Western commercial satellites never mind military and were having to rely a lot on lower resolution Russian commercial/weather satellites or what they could get from foreign satellite imagery sources.
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Was Putin’s plan to isolate the US and attack or destabilise the US with Xi. Maybe those Chinese balloons are actually Russian picking targets.

China hasn't been involved in a conflict for something like 40 years. People seem worried about them but they're a very inward looking nation, more interested in growing their economy and increasing their quality of life than fighting any distant wars. They basically don't even have a blue water Navy.
There was a plan to fight for every corner of it, including people sequestered in hideaways in the ground with supplies whose mission was to do as much damage behind enemy lines as possible - including instructions to kill anyone civilian who might be aware of their whereabouts before the area was overrun...

As I understand it, the plan was to go to the Winchester, sit tight, and wait for it to all blow over.
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China hasn't been involved in a conflict for something like 40 years. People seem worried about them but they're a very inward looking nation, more interested in growing their economy and increasing their quality of life than fighting any distant wars. They basically don't even have a blue water Navy.
Lol they've been attacking the West for years at this point, it's just not 'visible'.
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