Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Well, that escalated quickly. Couple of hours ago they said they weren't, now they are? If so, lol @ the mighty Russia needing Belarus and the Chechens to fight their war for them.

As I said earlier in the thread Belarus should be getting the book thrown at them as well.
Well, that escalated quickly. Couple of hours ago they said they weren't, now they are? If so, lol @ the mighty Russia needed Belarus and the Chechens to fight their war for them.

As I said earlier in the thread Belarus should be getting the book thrown at them as well.

Like I said, lies.
Well, that escalated quickly. Couple of hours ago they said they weren't, now they are? If so, lol @ the mighty Russia needing Belarus and the Chechens to fight their war for them.

As I said earlier in the thread Belarus should be getting the book thrown at them as well.
Pretty sure they will if true
I get your point but I don't think this has solved any problems, just made us unite temporarily. Honestly, outside of this forum, hardly anyone I know talks about it, irl or online.

I think that in the short-term it's great that the NATO countries have pulled together and the world is, mostly, seeing Russia for what it is, but I don't think this is the start of long-term unity. When this is over I think we will just go back to our old ways.

That said, this has drawn out longer than I expected. Many, many people expected this to be over by last weekend [as stated on the BBC website this morning]. The fact that's it's still going on means that it could draw out much longer than many expected.

This is the wakeup call the west so badly needed.

IMHO, we are headed into a period of prolonged instability, next decade or more is going to be interesting, we will need to stay united and build on this or we are finished.

Agreed. I suspect there's Russian-Chinese plan with every banking, trade and military step.

The question is would China stop at Taiwan? The issue for China is that it's more difficult to drive into Taiwan in that way, so it's likely to be a long term plan of depression of Taiwan until the US looses interest (technology moves out).

Not when they have the right capabilities amassed, don't think they will.
How can the rest sit back and watch another country invade on top of Russia.

I understand all the nuke stuff but it's spiralling out of control now it time to put our foot down with military action on mass against these fools.
Quite oddly Brexit has likely strengthen the EU in this, as Britain are no longer on the inside paid by Russians to shout the whole thing down.
Thye are doing reasonably well in terms of solidarity and keeping to one message, unlike our racist clowns of fruit foremen, and instagrammers.
The UK was among the first together with the US to call out Putins intentions on this, long before the EU. Also arming the Ukraine with anti tank and anti air defense. In fact the UK has stiffened the EU response hugely, calling out the Germans for their 5000 helmets. I don't think they would have had such a robust response quite so quickly. It is also slightly ironic that Russia blames the UK (Truss) for their nuclear 'special alerts', she is not that scary.
This is the wakeup call the west so badly needed.

IMHO, we are headed into a period of prolonged instability, next decade or more is going to be interesting, we will need to stay united and build on this or we are finished.

Agreed. This is now NATO vs non-NATO.

How can the rest sit back and watch another country invade on top of Russia.

I understand all the nuke stuff but it's spiralling out of control now it time to put our foot down with military action on mass against these fools.

This has gone up a gear in a really bad way now.
How can the rest sit back and watch another country invade on top of Russia.

I understand all the nuke stuff but it's spiralling out of control now it time to put our foot down with military action on mass against these fools.

This is precisely what Putin and Xi want.
I understand all the nuke stuff but it's spiralling out of control now it time to put our foot down with military action on mass against these fools.

It really isn't. Putin knows it's over if NATO get involved on the ground and then everyones tour on this planet is over, well atleast in the northern hemisphere anyway.
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