Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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It’s my understanding that all the nuclear weapons based in Ukraine at the time of the collapse of the USSR couldn’t be armed without circuitry and codes held by Russian troops reporting directly to Moscow.

If you have the physical nukes that can be solved without all that much difficulty. Sure, it'll stop you launching them straight away, but that's all.
BREAKING: Russia's Foreign Minister says Ukraine still has Soviet nuclear technology and that this danger must be responded to

More manufactured threats
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Taiwan stands with freedom and democracy!
Most of the west including a lot of Corps are really digging in on sanctions and restrictions and divesting in Russia.

Sad China won't get on board really.

If we have a future I expect there is going to be increased urgency of removing the need to buy energy etc from Russia.

Putin is single handedly ruining his country and his people. Getting people killed on both sides. Purely for ego or whatever is driving him.

One of his demands was to demilitarise the border states. But instead it's going to increase with more nato spending and sign ups

Boggles the mind.

It's simple this is all about oil and gas. Russia's economy is 40% dependant on this and Ukraine has a lot of natural reserves of both in the donbass and Crimea region which is currently untapped, if Ukraine joins nato and even the European union it becomes a massive competitor to Russia in supplying the rest of Europe with oil and gas and will seriously hurt Russia's economy and Putins wallet. Makes it more disgusting on how little regard to human life Putin and his cronies have.
BREAKING: Russia's Foreign Minister says US should remove its nuclear weapons from Europe

Here we go again, more manufactured threats.

To be fair we did the same in Iraq with the WMD's

The US nukes in Europe (and I don't think there are actually that many left any more) are hardly a threat to Russia in reality, they are pretty much limited to defensive use in this day and age.
The US nukes in Europe (and I don't think there are actually that many left any more) are hardly a threat to Russia in reality, they are pretty much limited to defensive use in this day and age.

the term “nukes” is rather general.

US trident and other platforms are core of the deterrent against nuclear aggression by oppressive regimes.
So basically russia are asking for the impossible to justify their own needs.

it must be peeving that the EU isn’t a pushover to the best made plans..
I hope all of this accelerates the pace at which the west relies on China for anything.

This war is tragic and the ultimate consequence is high, but in a few days it has fixed several of the worlds problems.

This is my exact worry, we are literally financing our possible own destruction. The way china have handled this is shocking, in China they are taking down social media posts of any one who even calls this a war.
the term “nukes” is rather general.

US trident and other platforms are core of the deterrent against nuclear aggression by oppressive regimes.
So basically russia are asking for the impossible to justify their own needs.

it must be peeving that the EU isn’t a pushover to the best made plans..

I can't find the original source but Lavrov seems to be barking about Ukraine "still having nuclear tech" now as a new justification...
Yeah seen a bit about that sort of thing happening, guess it's a reminder that just because we want Ukraine to win doesn't mean it's a perfect country. Horrible to imagine getting to the border and being treated so badly, or even refused entry and having to go back the way you came towards the war to try a different border.

I could see some argument about there being confusion about the African men not being allowed to leave, with people thinking they should stay and fight (even if they aren't technically required to as non-Ukrainian-citizens), but surely there's no excuse for treating the women like that.
It seems to bring peoples true colors to light.
Massive amount of fighter aircraft training exercises today - they've pulled out all the stuff as well - Top Aces, Draken, etc.

Not sure if additionally there is something going on in the North Sea of interest or part of the training as there is a couple of maritime patrol aircraft out there and some Typhoons booking it in from Poland towards that area.
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