Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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13 Jan 2003
Russia doesn't rely on GPS they have their own GLONASS system and the Chinese BeiDou system.

AFAIK there is a lack of satnav gear in general among their troops thus lots of units are getting lost (and subsequently ambushed/destroyed) after initial contacts/ambushes cause forces to disperse/change route and get lost.

Perhaps the Ukrainians did the old - change the road signs to loop around in a circle trick..

As I said before GPS for military is one more risk. Most would use it with the understand it could have been compromised. Most active munitions use ground mapping radar, however if that's out of date then you have issues. I think GPS arty shells are about the only thing that don't have a backup.
22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
I hadn’t considered this, the convoy whilst in convoy isn’t much in the way of a threat. I have faith that Ukraine have and are being assisted with high quality Intel so you’re perhaps correct and there’s a sweeter spot for attack.

Wishful thinking. It is really endgame stuff now. OSCE are spooked and are leaving Donetsk now and you got this kind of thing happening now.

This is only going one way unless the west get involved proper.

29 Jan 2008
Perhaps the Ukrainians did the old - change the road signs to loop around in a circle trick..

As I said before GPS for military is one more risk. Most would use it with the understand it could have been compromised. Most active munitions use ground mapping radar, however if that's out of date then you have issues. I think GPS arty shells are about the only thing that don't have a backup.

They've got this on some bill boards :D

Re: GPS - it's not necessarily relied upon for navigation by ground forces, it's used as a check in the UK or at least was.

UK Artillery is rather accurate regardless.
19 Jan 2010
Insider trading, Tory party delays obvious sanctions so Tory politicians, members and donors get a chance to pull their funds! A bit like letting private jets in from Russia after banning the national airline classic one rule for our friends one rule for the rest!
Do you really know that for a fact? Or is it that these sanctions are announced and people (anyone not just people in parliament) pull assets out of Russia? That's more likely the long and short of it. End of story
8 Jan 2007
Now that the Russian media has portrayed their "peace keepers" getting massacred, while conveniently allowing them to pinpoint those pesky drone launch sites. They can "legitimately" claim that this is a full on war now, which as we are seeing means massive escalation in indiscriminate shelling/artillery bombardment.

Also, that convoy is protected by S300 and S400 units, so erm.. good luck with that! There was a reason the West stopped sorties into Syria..
13 Jan 2003
Well World of Tanks/Warships producer "Wargaming Minsk" is based in Belarius:

I suspect there will be problems with game subscriptions to play being used to fund the war.

Their WoT has had an increasing bias towards Russian and Chinese tanks being more powerful over other countries. Perhaps to support the Putinesque rhetoric? This is a common joke within the player base and influencers that a "Russian cloak of dispersion" and "hand of Stalin guides Russian tank shells" meaning tank shots seem to not be able to hit Russian tanks and Russian tanks seem to magically hit other non-russian tanks.

Update - Wargaming relocated it's HQ to Cyprus and the creator (actually it's him and his dad) is now a billionaire. With WG Europe in Paris, it means that subscriptions would flow into Paris then to Cyprus.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
I think that's the trick the Russians are playing, tempt the west to getting involved. That way they can spin things to be their provocation etc and even up the global markets

Its a hell of a gamble though
Unless hes literally looking to go nuclear 40 miles of equipment must be a decent % of what is available

This feels more like a gamble of all on red
13 Jan 2003
Now that the Russian media has portrayed their "peace keepers" getting massacred, while conveniently allowing them to pinpoint those pesky drone launch sites. They can "legitimately" claim that this is a full on war now, which as we are seeing means massive escalation in indiscriminate shelling/artillery bombardment.

Also, that convoy is protected by S300 and S400 units, so erm.. good luck with that! There was a reason the West stopped sorties into Syria..

Those SAMs are big missiles, issue is that smaller suicidal drones could swarm and destroy soft targets. Not sure of the range but surely a cruise missile or twenty could have been launched from 5 foot inside the Ukrainian boarder, fly across and destroy static points on the road.

If the road has natural choke points due to terrain, then a set of missiles close to those choke points would cause further delay).
17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
Satellite images of a Russian convoy stretching 40 miles long?! That's a crazy amount of tanks and vehicles.

Apparently the Thermobaric weapon that Putin is happy to unleash is illegal. It doesn't really damage buildings but sucks people's lungs inside out.
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