Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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30 Nov 2005
Not about the Tories about how the government we live under and how they are representing the UK people, I don't give a damn about politics and their stupid parties.. It's about doing the right things as other governments have done around the world. It is regarding the Ukraine situation the points made and the safety of the world situation we are all now in. Clearly no compassion anymore for people in need, even the reporter is fuming if you watched the report in the first tweet.

Tory bashing.. how quaint
19 Oct 2008
For me personally, I would be okay with NATO pledging not to accept Ukraine. However, if Russia were to demand UK removes nukes or give up their military then I would be fore a military confrontation over that.
I don't really think it's been about that, personally. Just one of the BS excuses/reasons coming out of Russia. They've come out with a lot more BS reasons since too.

Maybe the real reason is simply an aging Dictator, with his people in very bad social mood, fearing his position is under threat, maybe feeling hasn't achieved that much for Russia....other than corruption etc. Put the country to war, rebuild USSR, and then hopefully reap the rewards of success, including happier people. Don't think that's going to work out somehow....and lets hope Russians see the reality and act on it because that's the best thing Russians could do is to overthrow him & regime & cronies and free themselves for a better future
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7 Jun 2020
*IMF & World Bank: The World Bank Package, Which Will Include at Least $350 Million, Will Be Submitted to the Board for Approval This Week.
*World Bank & IMF: We Are Prepared to Provide Further Assistance to Neighbouring Nations Affected by the Ukraine War and Refugees.
*World Bank, IMF Say War in Ukraine Creating Significant Spillover Effects in Other Countries, Commodity Prices Rising, Risk Driving Further Fueling Inflation
*World Bank & IMF: Financial Market Disruptions Will Grow If the Crisis Continues and Sanctions Will Have a Significant Impact.

*US Treasury Secretary Yellen: I Expect the Economic Pressure on Russia Will Have a Crippling Effect on Its Economy.
*US Treasury Secretary Yellen: The G7 Continues to Support the Removal of Key Russian Financial Companies From Swift.
*US Treasury Secretary Yellen: The G7 Will Create a Task Team to Focus on Freezing and Confiscating Russian Elites’ Assets.

IMF / World Bank: /
Yellen: /
12 Jul 2010
It wasn't discussions, it was Russia deciding the future of Ukraine for them, Ukraine can decide their own future.

There was no way Ukraine was ever a danger to Russia, and you know what, if they started something with Russia I doubt they'd be getting support like they are now.

Russia have proven again and again that they will bully and lie to get what they want, they've said so much rubbish it feels at times like they're playing the opposite game, where what they say and do are complete 180 degree turns from each other.

This is just a war of aggression where there will be no winners, and even if Putin succeeds in defeating Ukraine, he will still lose, on the world stage they've just become even more of a joke.

There's lots of verifiable facts and evidence that counters what Russia say is going on.

I am no military expert but from my understanding from people in that field I gathered that Russian concerts regarding NATO infrastructure in Ukraine is a real and legitimate concern. I can see that many people in this thread do not agree with this position though, which is fine.

Do not get me wrong though, just because Russia considers NATO in Ukraine an existential threat does not justify the invasion. To be honest I do not particularly see how this invasion changes the situation for the Russians other than making it worse in every way for both them and Ukrainians.
26 Aug 2016
Putin really needs an 'out' round about now whether it is to his benefit or not is irrelevant.

1. He thought they could threaten Ukraine to meet their demands, this failed.
2. He manufactured justification to increase the pressure from threat to direct military action, this is failing.
3. The military action was to be a very short run, rush through Ukraine secure Kiev and other cities to install puppet government, this has failed so far.
4. The delay has meant he is struggling to meet his goals in Ukraine, met an unexpected strong Ukrainian resistance which has not only galvanised the whole country but also united the west behind them.
5. This delay now means he has lost the advantages of expedience and this situation being treated as a speed bump. Seen unified sanctions implemented and being able to take effect, and the longer this goes on the harder it becomes for him and Russia. He is effectively running out of road as a result and has decreasing options available to deliver any success, hence further increasing his earlier practice of using bigger threats.

The only options for success then are either at the table via diplomatic compromises in Ukraine or cobtinued military action offering diminishing returns.
. There will be no winners, or he continues his assault to remove Zelensky. This again has become a more dangerous maneuver, given the profile he has accumulated but he would have to be removed or at least 'beaten' diplomatically. I don't think assassination or forced removal is an option now without further ostracising himself and Russia, and given the uprising in Ukraine a puppet government is unlikely to last very long if at all.

Essentially, although the war is ongoing I think we are back to him raising the threat level again to secure his 'win'. They will likely continue their assault for the time being, siege Kyiv and maybe another few cities and ultimately the situation will be resolved diplomatically for the interim. Unfortunately with a needless loss of life and where Russia will be much worse off after this epsiode than they were before. It will be a long game situation, but again this is subject to similar dangers to both Putin and Ukraine, the issue of time and delay will see more deaths but also higher impact to Putin's position; time is the biggest threat to everyone in this situation.
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25 Mar 2004
I am no military expert but from my understanding from people in that field I gathered that Russian concerts regarding NATO infrastructure in Ukraine is a real and legitimate concern. I can see that many people in this thread do not agree with this position though, which is fine.

Do not get me wrong though, just because Russia considers NATO in Ukraine an existential threat does not justify the invasion. To be honest I do not particularly see how this invasion changes the situation for the Russians other than making it worse in every way for both them and Ukrainians.

If Ukraine was arming with nukes I'd see their point, but it's not as if Ukraine was ever in a position to threaten Russia, they lack the manpower/tech to do it, and Russia have these nuke things. Also no one else would jump in to help them attack Russia.

Being in NATO is more of a defensive thing, Russia already border several NATO countries, not as if it means they suddenly become a threat.
9 Mar 2012
West Sussex, England
This is the UK Government at its best.


While all this is going on they are busy with this...

Lets just hope we the UK don't need help from other countries because we are setting a great example as always. :mad:

Corruption in all countries clearly. This government does not represent the country any more and the people in it, they are shaming us in times that we should be standing up and leading by example for the rest of world to follow, we have become all talk no action and worse our talk has also become very damaging to the safety of the world.

Our foreign secretary of all people.

Rant over... I'm fuming today about this situation and after days of digesting it in quiet.

Calm yourself dear, we can't let in unlimited numbers as we don't have unlimited free housing. It's just practicalities.
9 Mar 2012
Eh? Looks like someone's let you out of the covid bubble and you haven't realised Trump isn't president anymore.
Pretty sure hes simply saying itll never happen. Which it wont but god forbid people posting utter garbage and conspiracy theories the mods just seemingly love to allow.

God forbid i say the alternate word to wee tho. Make some nonsense up about nukes killing everyone? A OK though
7 Dec 2010
Not to dilute the rest of your point but that is the rhetoric the Russians have been using throughout - which for some reason isn't being well recognised - the increasing iterations of "you made us do it".

Hence why I could only facepalm when people were talking of an off ramp, etc.

Ohh I know they are playing the blame games, sadly lets not make them target us with the blames, we are an easy target for them as is the USA. Just shocking what is going on and a mad man has put the whole world in this mess and now Belarus clearly have taken sides and their lies. Saddened by what I am seeing happening to these people from both sides, I have friends from Ukraine and Russia.

I know they are also trying to make us break the NATO & other agreements too by helping Ukraine and getting us involved in this war.:(
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12 Jul 2010
If Ukraine was arming with nukes I'd see their point, but it's not as if Ukraine was ever in a position to threaten Russia, they lack the manpower/tech to do it, and Russia have these nuke things. Also no one else would jump in to help them attack Russia.

Being in NATO is more of a defensive thing, Russia already border several NATO countries, not as if it means they suddenly become a threat.

You looking at it from a laymen point of view though, that's why it doesn't make sense to you. It's not just a defensive alliance, it's also a military alliance with integrated operations, there's an infrastructure for various deployments ie Libya bombing and Yugoslavia bombing.
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