Ultima Online - Europa ....anyone still there?

Ah memories.

I can't remember what I did but for some reason I won a boat. I use to go sailing between the islands, not for any great purpose but to just see where I ended up.

I also remember that someone decided to run an academy on the Virtues. About 5 or 6 of us enlisted and attended a short series of workshops that ended in an exam. Everyone passed and we all got an individually crafted certificate.

LOL!!!! yes!!! that's epic! don;t see any random in-game events like that anymore!
I really miss this game must have spent several hours a day raiding factions in my 20's instead of going out and being a supposed "normal" young person. For some reason though i played on the Lake Superior shard and was part of a massive guild called EVL with americans...did anyone else? I had all the phoenixx armor apart from the helm and ended up selling it on ebay for nearly $300 at the time...crazy when you think about it.
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I stopped playing UO a while after trammel was created. My main was a thief (Silk on Europa) and when everyone went off to trammel, pickings were slim.
It is still the best game I have played - its scope was such, I'd waste days just exploring.
Managing to steal something expensive (house deeds in a second bag) would make me shake with adrenaline as I tried to escape, people throwing exploding potions around to try and get me out of stealth. Stealing boat keys was always great too, porting to the boat, stripping it clean and banking it - people would have a heart attack these days if such things were allowed in games :D
The best was when I trained GM wrestling, I could pick someone's pockets, get them to attack me, then disarm them and steal their weapons - moongates were a goldmine!
MJ should have hung out in the inns near Brit, people were forever popping in there to leave items in the furniture, swap character and pick them up. I'd stealth and hang out in the room then pinch the stuff when people logged out to change character.. pop back in and it's gone :)

I never appeared for them, as people would have gotten wise if I had!

Trammel did more or less kill it for me, no danger - which although was frustrating at times is what was really at the heart of the game. Death meant you more or less lost everything you had on you, that made the game fun and it's what's missing from the carebear MMOs these days.
ahh some nice tales :D when I started Trammel was already around so never ventured into fellucia really :( but then again I was finding it hard enough in trammel with my 56k shocking ping (usually around 200ms) everyone would be faster than me haha as I'd pause from lag every 10 squares of running or what ever xD I did try to make a theif by grinding it in buccs den but didn't get that far.

on the free servers where it is fel, it is a lot more rewarding getting something done, even if you don't get attacked you think "yeaa got this done and didn't get pk'd...RESULT" though I still haven't got the hang of macroing so only pk'ing I've done was if someone loots me at the bank and I manage to get a quick volly onto them :p

dunno what how different the player mentality is though from pre AoS fel combat... like will everyone try to kill everyone with reds running a muck, or whether it was safer than these days (which fel only free servers seem to be only pkers/griefers :( )

but yea that danger factor or losing pretty much everything was intense, even in trammel... could you imagine if that was implemented in pretty much any other MMO these days? people wouldn't play them I don;t think or rage until the rules got changed.

Losing stuff did suck but was rewarding to fight your way back to getting your stuff (from monster kills any way... pkers seem to strip pretty much).
pre-trammel there were reds but it wasn't out of control by any means, people controlled their kill count etc more carefully so they didn't hit red that often and there were groups of people who'd happily hunt players down for you as the bounty system did work - sort of.

I remember being murdered about 30 minutes after I started playing, was just learning to mine SW of Cove when someone one hit killed me, took everything and ran off. It took me 18 months to find and kill him but I did, and kept his head for a good year afterwards.
lol Halfmad! that vendetta! xD yet another awesome things, that things like that are even possible xD

ay rubberduck, that's pretty much the general consensus from everyone I've talked to. I joined after trammel in T2A so was there 99% of the time. still really enjoyed it as going on quests and events with the guild was really entertaining :D however, for me when AoS got release it killed it a bit :( all this new stuff I had to learn after only just about getting to grips with the older system, some things I liked and some things I didn't.
I was a GM on MPZ and Burstfire...
Spent many a happy hour hanging around with Adrian at BB.

I was also the guy who introduced WS and most of 2h2t to UO... :]

The politics on that server makes me laugh looking back on it. So many egos and little emperers.

This brings me back to the days of being GM on MPZ & BF :)
I stopped playing UO a while after trammel was created. My main was a thief (Silk on Europa) and when everyone went off to trammel, pickings were slim.
It is still the best game I have played - its scope was such, I'd waste days just exploring.
Managing to steal something expensive (house deeds in a second bag) would make me shake with adrenaline as I tried to escape, people throwing exploding potions around to try and get me out of stealth. Stealing boat keys was always great too, porting to the boat, stripping it clean and banking it - people would have a heart attack these days if such things were allowed in games :D
The best was when I trained GM wrestling, I could pick someone's pockets, get them to attack me, then disarm them and steal their weapons - moongates were a goldmine!

I recognise that name from somewhere. I'd like to say the Europa Stratics boards, but I also seem to remember an incident when I was new to the game and messing around logging or something outside of Britain and a guy in a grey robe came up and started trying to snoop my bag. I think I took an axe swing at him, just as someone else rode out of the city, and the snooping chap cried for help - I'd gone grey and the new guy thought I was killing a noob and destroyed me. Fairly certain I remember the name Silk being involved there somewhere ;p
I recognise that name from somewhere.
Not sure if same person, but Jingo on Europa was a well known rares collector/dealer. Silk rings a bell...I think my treasure hunter Indiana Jones had met him around the Yew Crypts...

As Halfmad said I did try UO recently - however this lasted approx 2hrs. I went on the UO Forever shard as this is far more populated than the EA ones and I do mean FAR more populated. Carrying the pre-uo:r ruleset i.e before trammel came in, it is perhaps the second largest custom UO shard with Second Age being the largest.

Upon getting into the game and wandering around with my [young] status I asked myself "wtf am I doing?". I spent about an hour setting up macros etc and then realised that I am just wasting my time on an antiquated game. Factions was in full flow there however Brit Bank and Skara were the only heavily occupied towns. Vesper was dead.

You can't entirely blame Trammel for the death of UO though. Far from it as it bought in a ton of money into a game that was already going downhill fast due to its reputation as a PK'ers paradise. What really killed the game was those players on ancient systems who would flame EA/OSI's attempt at moving the game forward i.e with a new client. The amount of times I saw the devs put down by 2D diehard players with antiquated systems was very saddening.

UO later lost its true identity with Age of Shadows that introduced the new lands of Malas, and made the game item based rather than skill. It was clear the influence was coming off EQ2 and WoW at the time and every weapon/item were given damage/defence numbers instead of items of Vanquishing etc. Don't get me started on that Samurai expansion lol.

Oh and my first 10 minutes of UO pre-uo:r consisted of me attacking a cat and dying horribly.
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yea I've been on UO:F :) pretty fun, loadssssss of PKers though! It makes it fun though, just gotta try and not get tooo attached to my loot and items as I have been pk'd a few times when trying to farm mobs for monies.

yea the massive stats list on items brought in with AoS was mad. everything changed!

I also didn't like malas as with its release there was so much lag for me it literally took 1-2 days for me to be able to log on for more than 2 mins at a time. by which point pretty much all the land had already had houses placed on it xD

loaded up UO:F last night but forgot I've done a format since my last play so all my macros are gone :( that's gunna be a "female dog" to set back up! :( but at least when I logged in by brit bank there were lots on so it's still active :D
UO like most MMOs that followed made the big mistake of adding in lots of new zones without buffing up the existing ones in some way, this meant players were spread out far more, less interaction, dilution of the community and ultimately less grouping as people tried to far "their" spots rather than sharing.

WoW at least went back eventually and changed the starter zones, DAOC eventually made changes to their vanilla starting areas but it was way, way too late by then and those with fond memories of those areas had either left the game or were too busy with expansion 7 or 8.

UO simply added too many worlds rather than improving the existing one.
I recognise that name from somewhere. I'd like to say the Europa Stratics boards, but I also seem to remember an incident when I was new to the game and messing around logging or something outside of Britain and a guy in a grey robe came up and started trying to snoop my bag. I think I took an axe swing at him, just as someone else rode out of the city, and the snooping chap cried for help - I'd gone grey and the new guy thought I was killing a noob and destroyed me. Fairly certain I remember the name Silk being involved there somewhere ;p

I used to get up to lots of fun things - so can't rule that out :p. I did used to post on stratics a lot - although I think I posted under another characters name called Sparhawk (username something like Sparhawk(ofMGlow) or somesuch.)
Soooooo anyone else got the UO music on CD or their phones etc? There's even an android app for it.


lol yep xD well I did :p used to have the app on my phone and years ago with the midi files I just used to listen to them when I'd be doing other things xD

I was trying to resist posting in this thread again until you mentioned the music. Most of those tunes are burned into my brain, I can still recite every last little nuance in each of them like it was yesterday. There is a youtube page with all the music properly sampled which I got to if I ever feel a tinge of nostalgia. Will dig out the link later, though you can probably find it yourself.
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