Would suggest Amnesia but being as you want to show off the graphics aswell to show up the lolbox then it might not be the way to go. Have a look in the Halloween sales on steam for some good ones. For graphics though with some sort of scaryness then its Metro 2033 all the way, its not that great a game but it is a great hardware showoff. If you see them on offer then get both, destroy her xbox faith then finnish her off with Amnesia.

If the new AVP wasnt a little bit meh then the marine campaign could have done the job too.
Come to think of it STALKER call of pripyat is graphically very nice (xbox certainly has nothing to rival it) and can have its atmospheric creepy moments similar to SOC
OK, we needs some kind of scale here :D

If System Shock 2 is 1 on our scale (the base line) on our scale, how scary are these other games?
Cant beleive no-one mentioned doom 3, one of the scariest FPS out there, even though a couple years old, max out all settings and trust me she will see that PC's knock consoles to the floor

Please don't hotlink Dave. Thanks. VS.
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I wasn't that impressed by the graphics in dead space (on pc), it seemed to me like they new the consoles couldn't handle big textures but didn't bother to have higher quality textures for the pc version.

I think people think consoles look good still because they use something similar to morphological anti aliasing on the new 6xxx cards which has a very small performance hit, and you use it on a big TV that you sit a few metres away from so your brain tends to average out any jaggies.
Cant beleive no-one mentioned doom 3, one of the scariest FPS out there, even though a couple years old, max out all settings and trust me she will see that PC's knock consoles to the floor

Ordinarily I wouldn't moan about graphics. But Doom3 doesn't have much besides the graphics :p Those screens look absolutely awful. Everything looks plastic; even the organic stuff looks plastic.
Ordinarily I wouldn't moan about graphics. But Doom3 doesn't have much besides the graphics :p Those screens look absolutely awful. Everything looks plastic; even the organic stuff looks plastic.

agreed though this game is a couple of years old, still one of the scarriest.
Dead Space?

Is a great game. For me it's sitting just below SS2, and waaaay above BioShock.

System Shock 2
Dead Space

Sorry I just can't resist having a snipe at BioShock; one of my more anticipated games that turned out to be a total dud.
Unfortunately there are not a lot of ultra scary games out for the PC unless your going a year or 2 back. FEAR was awsome and so was FEAR 2, but if you want to show off the graphics it would have to be crysis.
Is a great game. For me it's sitting just below SS2, and waaaay above BioShock.

System Shock 2
Dead Space

Sorry I just can't resist having a snipe at BioShock; one of my more anticipated games that turned out to be a total dud.

I really enjoyed Bioshock.. thought it was quite a breath of fresh air, and has a scary sort of psycho aspect too it rather than just pure scare. Nothing beats the opening scenes! :o

the 2nd one however, just no.
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