how about teletubbies? i heard (on the internet) that the graphics are amazing and it pushes any system to the limit..

plus, after playing that she will never be alone in a room again.
Dead space has fantastic sound, worth a try if you have good speakers/headphones.

I'm glad you mentioned that. Sound is an often overlooked part of games which can literally make or break the whole thing.

SS2, Deus Ex, Dead Space, etc, all had fantastic sound effects and/or music.
The two original Alien vs Predator games were really scary but I suspect the graphics won't be able to hold a candle to the newer AvP game which is unfortunately not as scary. I also remember the first Doom games as being pretty scary, but of course things have moved on a bit since then.

As suggested, prolly the FEAR games will give the best scares and Crysis gives best graphics.
Get Penumbra then Amnesia. Not so much about action horror, more psychological than that. For your GF, these are what I would recommend. Get her playing Penumbra in the dark, alone, with headphones ;)

For more action based, look for something like System Shock 2 for some Cyberpunk horror (only game other than those above that scares me to this day, also one of the best games ever made). For something more up to date, think Doom 3, FEAR (maybe Fear 2 as well once you've played FEAR) or Dead Space.

Dead Space is less scary, more gory, but still fun to play and has plenty of monstrocities in it :)
Amnesia is the scariest game ever made, if you play it properly - with headphones, alone in the dark.

Metro 2033 is one of the best looking games ever, and extremely atmospheric too, even if not as scary.

Both are 100% recommended and must play for any selfrespecting PC gamer.
Resident Evil 5? Never played on pc but generally most things do look much crisper. Im currenly playing New vegas (thanks to people that got mine working on here!) and my flatmate is playing it on his xbox. Quite a big difference side by side. Choose Amnesia for the scares and just about every multi format game you can find. If she cant see the massive difference then at least you have a new bad ass rig :D
Amnesia is the most scary game I've ever played. It's so scary I've not got back into playing it for a bit. I have to be in the right mood to play it. Other scary games include:

Thief series - the older two games look a bit primitive, but they're still amazingly atmospheric and the gameplay is unmatched. They're also incredibly tense and scary.

STALKER - the underground sections aren't for the faint hearted.

Penumbra series - very gloomy and scary - the predecessor to Amnesia

Dead Space - more of a jumpy scary game, but good atmosphere too. Requires a bit of tweaking to get it running optimally.
..STALKER - the underground sections aren't for the faint hearted...

Agreed. The game itself isnt inherently a horror game, so I wouldnt recommend it as a purely 'scare my GF' game, but when it does have those moments, it builds and maintains atmosphere incredibly well. Very well made sequences :)
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