For all those people saying 'nothing's
really scary' well of course it isn't
The secret is that you really have to really 'try' to get into it. Sure if you think 'it's only a game who cares' and charge into that dark room and if you die who cares reload - and sprint as fast as you can down corridors trying to find the way forward as fast as humanly possible - yes it's going to be a naff experience.
But if you try and use your imagination and immerse yourself into the game, and creep into the room slowly and almost persuade yourself 'I'm not liking the look of this corridor', also try and care if something hideous lurches at you, it can be brilliant.
Some of my younger friends seem to pride themselves on never finding any games or films scary. They haven't made the connection that
1) It's easy to do
2) It just effectively ruins for the person charging through the thing what the game has to offer.
Amnesia the first time I booted it tried to explain this before the game starts. 'Don't try and 'complete' this game, rather try and be drawn into the story'. Couldn't have said it better myself. The lack of HUD is also well thought out. Its as easy to 'diss' as anything trying to be scary. But doing this you're only destroying the game for yourself ...
try and get into it and almost persuade yourself you're finding it darn scary, and you may have fun turning your trousers brown