
I just want to cry thinking about it...

It doesn't have amazing graphics like Metro 2033, but as the saying goes; It's not the size of the wave that counts but it's the motion of the ocean.

Dark room, quality earphones and a few hours to spare (or minutes because you will turn it off due to pure horror) and it will blow her mind.
let her play the first ten minutes of doom 3 in a dark room, she will jump out of her chair - guaranteed.

as for graphics Crysis jungle part still gets top vote
let her play the first ten minutes of doom 3 in a dark room, she will jump out of her chair - guaranteed.

as for graphics Crysis jungle part still gets top vote

Perhaps... and then you get a big gun and the horror goes out the window. Doom 3 is not a scary game in the slightest.

Now the Amnesia demo that i just dl'd...
Why are people continuously mentioning FEAR? Yes it's a good game but it's exactly the same recipe as Doom3.

You hear a noise in the background, some crap jumps out at you, some scary music plays.


The games i've played that i've genuinely been scared in are as follows:

1) Penumbra: Overture
2) Penumbra: Black Plague
3) S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl (especially at night or in the sewers - superb game)
4) Silent Hill 2 - Can get it on the PC but runs at a crappy 1024 x something resolution.
5) Need For Speed: Undercover - so bad it was scary.
Is a great game. For me it's sitting just below SS2, and waaaay above BioShock.

System Shock 2
Dead Space

Sorry I just can't resist having a snipe at BioShock; one of my more anticipated games that turned out to be a total dud.


Amnesia is just nasty (in a good way :D)
I thought Doom 3 wasn't that scary tbh, not compared to the original Quake back in its day.

Scariest games, I have played are Thief 1 and 2, and System Shock 2. I rarely find any modern game scary anymore - maybe I just don't find them as atmospheric? :(
fear 2 would probably do the job. But if you are looking for atmospheric poo your pants kind of scary, then go with amnesia.............................. I couldnt sleep for a week. :(
Doom3... Brings back fond memories :D Can be very tense on some levels. Bit dated now though.

FEAR... Classic game, showing it's age now though.

FEAR 2... Decent graphics, some fantastic scare moments and very creepy atmosphere.

Dead Space... Great graphics, fantastic atmosphere, great use of sound. Nice gore :D

STALKER SOC... The underground levels were horrific, so was creeping round old factories in the dark, during a storm with things after you :D

Metro 2033... Future classic game. Some really creepy moments, fantastic sound and graphics. Some fantastic level design. Shame some aspects were underused, the silhouettes for example and the anomaly.
FEAR2 isn't as scary as FEAR. A few ghost sections that are creepy but it doesn't have as much in the way of cheap shock tactics ('screamer' popups etc).

I do still mind myself looking away from the screen everytime I'm turning round to go down a ladder in FEAR games! :eek:
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