Ultra-wide angle lens for Canon

Looked at the tokina and sigma went for the sigma as it was lighter and cheaper at the time. Sigma 10-20 at 10mm

Russingatings last one reminds me of this one, the only reason I do not use a compact more is that I would miss the very wide view.
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Thanks for all the samples and comments, really appreciate the input. It's seems like a fairly even split so you haven't helped me at all! :p

I think I'm going to go for the canon as it seems to be a bit more consistent through the range, and also the production quality appears to be more consistent from what I've read.
Thanks for all the samples and comments, really appreciate the input. It's seems like a fairly even split so you haven't helped me at all! :p

I think I'm going to go for the canon as it seems to be a bit more consistent through the range, and also the production quality appears to be more consistent from what I've read.

welcome to the club :)
Yosemite ,grand canyon zion and monument valley next year.:)

Yosemite is my favorite place on the planet! Zion is nice but it never blew me away - i think to appreciate it you have have to spend time in the dessert and then go to zion because then you realize that it is an emerald green oasis.
Same with grand canyon, i just didn't get much of a vibe, I think I need to go back in the spring and hike to the bottom and back to understand the scale.
Monument valley is cool, feels like you are placed slap back in a western.
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