Unexploded artillery round?

The way to be sure its safe is to place it upright. Then, very carefully, take a small hammer to the top and tap it repeatedly. This should drop the detonating pin inside the case and make it safe.

** Do not do this
Well, since you're already picking it up, don't by any chance have a caliper handy to measure the width? :D

Really wouldn't mess with it though it looks inert and missing the fuze if it is munitions. Even after all this time if there was a charge there still possibly enough to blow your hand off.
Do you live near some old training grounds or something?
wouldn't it be from ww2 or something? it's probably been sat there for decades until someone with a metal detector dug it up and just thought it was a piece of junk? few years pass the OP finds it
Do you live near some old training grounds or something?

Not as such there are several RAF bases here. We found a clip of old rifle cartridges for a Lee Enfield rifle or similar a couple of weeks back, the bullets were missing, and the cartridges were corroded and full of mud, but picking the mud out they still had the white powder charge in.

Edit: these:

Money on it’s an ex WW1 dummy bomb used for hand dropping from bi planes and the like. They used them to practice before using live hand dropped bombs. We’ve got something just like that in the hall.
Police spoke to the MOD they think it is a training round, but might have a charge, so some guy is coming from Colchester and will bring a robot or put it in a box.
Not as such there are several RAF bases here. We found a clip of old rifle cartridges for a Lee Enfield rifle or similar a couple of weeks back, the bullets were missing, and the cartridges were corroded and full of mud, but picking the mud out they still had the white powder charge in.

Edit: these:

Those aren't .303, which uses a rimmed case. They look like steel cased 7.92x57mm Mauser, which the Germans used. The headstamp at the bottom would give you a definite answer.
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