Universal basic income to be trialled

Okay, it's interesting then. Would the government tax the company I work for to help pay for it, I then get paid a little less, but I'm getting the UBI?

I'm far from a finances expert, but if all of a sudden everyone has more money, don't things just become a bit more expensive and we're back closer to where we started? The money being given out has to come from somewhere?

Also, at the moment everyone doesn't receive the same benefits. Some need more than others for various things. How is that dealt with? Some still get more benefits too, I assume?
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Okay, it's interesting then. Would the government tax the company I work for to help pay for it, I then get paid a little less, but I'm getting the UBI?

I'm far from a finances expert, but if all of a sudden everyone has more money, don't things just become a bit more expensive and we're back closer to where we started? The money being given out has to come from somewhere?

Also, at the moment everyone doesn't receive the same benefits. Some need more than others for various things. How is that dealt with? Some still get more benefits too, I assume?

Im not an expert in any of this but from what I can gather, people that are disabled, too ill to work etc. will qualify for extra money if required but the £19.3k is supposed to cover all your benefits for everyone else. If the £19.3k isnt enough to live, on then you will have to get a job if you are able to. I presume not everyone will have more money as there will be a lot of people that will decide the £19.3k is enough to live off and not bother working at all if they can afford to.
This is the beginning of the end for the West.
It's like decriminalisation of drugs the first generation with access to it will go off the rails. It will only become normal when the our generation and kids are dead.

I mean this is literally every one and everything being controlled by your governments.

Why would you choose to work?
Only the most gifted would be picked to work anyway.
Future generations will be mollycoddled infantile drones served by AI overlords issuing food pellets.
This is long game hard core sci fi.
Breeding lisences have to be brought in.
Utopian socialism or totalitarian police state?
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Just accept that Net Zero is going to cost 100's of thousands of jobs and UBI will be needed. There is no like for like with net zero plans. Read the Government funded Absolute Zero report compiled by the major universities. To meet net zero by 2050 all UK airports and leisure ports need to close by 2030 with exception of Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast. They will need to close 10 years later. Even with full electrician of vehicles traffic will need to reduce by 60% by 2035 based on 2018 levels. Beef and lamb farming needs to be abolished by 2028. The list goes on. Expect to be much poorer in the next few years whilst the major polluters get richer.

What do you think about this, or does it get closed as a hit and run thread?
Not entirely sure what to make of it, hence the post to see what everyone else thought.
Giving people a bunch of money for doing nothing doesn’t sound the greatest of ideas tbh, and at some point it’s possible for whatever government to run out of other peoples money.
And if it did become the norm, they’d have to look at increasing pension payments?
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I think it's a great idea, and will probably be needed in the future. Can't see it ever happening here though even if other countries did it. Rich people won't want to clean their own toilets.
Not entirely sure what to make of it, hence the post to see what everyone else thought.
Giving people a bunch of money for doing nothing doesn’t sound the greatest of ideas tbh, and at some point it’s possible for whatever government to run out of other peoples money.
And if it did become the norm, they’d have to look at increasing pension payments?
You and I seem to be on the same wave length on that.

But given the apparent plan is to cram us into 15/20 minute neighbourhoods with very restricted means of leaving them UBI is going to be essential.

Their Green Utopia is more like a nightmare to me but since all political parties have the same agenda it is not like we can vote against it if wished.
why would stacking shelves only earn you 1k a year?

or.do you misunderstand UBI? You still earn a UBI whether you work or not, so the same motivation is there to earn more, but it gives you the flexibility to pull back from work yo focus on health, family, education or charity work, and removes the risks of loosing jobs and the downward spiral of unemployment. It also puts a big incentive on employers to make the work-life balance acceptable and create a work environment where people are excited to help the employer work towards their vision. It also necessitates a much higher base salary

Lol, where will the money come from, and where will the money go to, who would really benefit.
My initial thoughts are it sounds too much, but then if its all your getting (I believe UBI would not be topped up above this) then its probably about right

My issue is like with others its fine if you can see a path to enough income as a country to support it. The way the UK is, that bit I struggle with.

I mean as soon as you mention switching some taxation to wealth based many start to melt down.
If we didnt and kept the fixation in income tax, its going to be harder to motivate some if the income tax rate is flat at say 60% of all earnings.
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