Universal basic income

The British culture could never stomach people receiving money for no work. We already refer to people who receive job seekers allowance and similar benefits as "scroungers". It's this culture that sees any strike action receive very little public support; we simply hate to think that there are people trying to better themselves, and are horrified at the thought of people getting something for nothing. It's all me, me, me in this country.
In an ideal world the rich should help fund the poor. It's not an ideal world though. I'd like someone to explain to me why a billionaire has billions and keeps it. Meanwhile millions of people go hungry. I'll make an excuse for philanthropists but otherwise the rest of the rich can go **** themselves.

Would you be happy for someone to take your bank card and help themselves?
I'm torn on it, to be honest, I think it has the potential to help people get started and not run themselves down in any old job just to get by, particularly if you are creative and want to run your own thing, but I can just see it being implemented really poorly by any government of ours.
hes on the planet where the poor keep the world turning.

eradicate all poor people from the world ie anyone on minimum wage or close to it.
and see how the rich manage by themselves.

now do it the other way around and eradicate anyone earning more than say 25k a year or even 50k a year
which world would be more productive do you think?

There will likely be a point in the future where the current system will be scene as some form of slavery

So with the rich people "eradicated", who exactly is employing the poor people?
I'm torn on it, to be honest, I think it has the potential to help people get started and not run themselves down in any old job just to get by, particularly if you are creative and want to run your own thing, but I can just see it being implemented really poorly by any government of ours.

The problem with this is we end up paying for people who add little to no value to the community. I'm not saying creativity has no value, more that there are plenty of people who claim to be creative who are far from it!

Do I get to be a "professional video games player" for example?
The problem with this is we end up paying for people who add little to no value to the community. I'm not saying creativity has no value, more that there are plenty of people who claim to be creative who are far from it!

Do I get to be a "professional video games player" for example?

Well everyone would be getting UBI anyway so it would be down to them to be creative enough to make something of themselves, I'm not saying it should be introduced just so everyone can claim to be an artist or whatever, just that it would help a lot of folk out who don't have the time or funds available at the moment to fully commit to their projects. Like I said though I can just see it being implemented poorly so it doesn't really change a great deal and people will still need to work low paid jobs to get above the poverty line.
Aw, you found the ideal solution didn't you. Solve all the poverty in the world, but you personally don't need to lift a finger or contribute a penny.


Stop talking crap. I actually volunteer in my community, giving up my free time to help others. What do you do?
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Is it moral to allow those earning the most money to pay a significantly smaller percentage of their income simply because they can afford to exploit loopholes?
This^^^^^^^, ever notice that the rich are on self assessment taxes so can claim back the majority they pay in tax and the government ensure the poor are on PAYE so can’t claim anything back, I bet I pay a higher percentage of my wages in tax than someone that’s earning £500k+ does on there’s.
I don't demand that people with more money than me start funding my lifestyle involuntary.

Neither do I. All I meant in my statement about the rich funding the poor was in regard to the FACT that a few have MORE than they need, and the majority have LESS than they need. A hippy philosophy, granted, but a noble idea none the less. It would be nice to see more charity from the rich, but it's their money at the end of the day and if they just want to hoard it, who am I to argue.
I don't demand that people with more money than me start funding my lifestyle involuntary.

People are always very keen to advocate using the state monopoly on force to take property from other people, but rarely from themselves.

It's one of the reasons we need stronger protection for equality under the law.
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