Universal basic income

So what? Are you suggesting that the poorest should be able to afford caviar and champagne?

Not exactly, I mean that the poorest CAN'T afford many simple things like for example decent vehicles that do not pollute, decent electronics with energy efficient functions, even a simple thing like an exotic vacation on a distant island somewhere in the oceans.
What can the poorest people buy? Only low-cost things of the lowest possible quality.

Yes, the flat rate does this. The question is, do rich people pay equal tax for each, for example, 10,000 pounds they have.
If my monthly income is 10,000 pounds and I pay in taxes 1,000, do the rich whose income is 1,000,000 pounds, pay 100,000 in taxes?

Yes, they would. Currently our system doesn't do this.
But I do want a fair tax system, so I can only assume you have misinterpreted my previous posts. I agree with your proposal.

I pay 41% of my earnings in tax, and I have no basic rate relief. You think that's fair when others pay 20% and 0% up to 11k? Add national insurance in there, and I'm paying closer to 50%. What next, do I just hand it all over? And FYI, my last self assessment resulted in a bill for £1000 thanks to the Scottish Government not passing on the band change from last year's budget.

No one's misinterpreted your previous posts, believe me. It's easy to make demands of a tax system when the outcome won't hit you in the pocket.
I pay 41% of my earnings in tax, and I have no basic rate relief. You think that's fair when others pay 20% and 0% up to 11k? Add national insurance in there, and I'm paying closer to 50%. What next, do I just hand it all over? And FYI, my last self assessment resulted in a bill for £1000 thanks to the Scottish Government not passing on the band change from last year's budget.

No one's misinterpreted your previous posts, believe me. It's easy to make demands of a tax system when the outcome won't hit you in the pocket.
Please stop, you're going to make me cry.
Not exactly, I mean that the poorest CAN'T afford many simple things like for example decent vehicles that do not pollute, decent electronics with energy efficient functions, even a simple thing like an exotic vacation on a distant island somewhere in the oceans.

I just don't see these as major issues, healthcare, education, food etc are what I'm bothered about.
The British culture could never stomach people receiving money for no work. We already refer to people who receive job seekers allowance and similar benefits as "scroungers". It's this culture that sees any strike action receive very little public support; we simply hate to think that there are people trying to better themselves, and are horrified at the thought of people getting something for nothing. It's all me, me, me in this country.

I'd say people get more upset about those individuals who feel they deserve things for nothing. British culture is generally to help those who are genuine cases of disability, but those who con the system or simply can't be bothered to work give the rest a bad name. For example, my dad and his brother have the same back problem. My dad works more than 50 hours a week. His brother no longer works due to "constant and extreme pain". Free car, free housing, etc. Fair?

This^^^^^^^, ever notice that the rich are on self assessment taxes so can claim back the majority they pay in tax and the government ensure the poor are on PAYE so can’t claim anything back, I bet I pay a higher percentage of my wages in tax than someone that’s earning £500k+ does on there’s.

Not sure you understand how the tax system works? You know you can submit tax returns if you want to? The method of tax collection doesn't affect the allowances you have.
[QUOTE="4K8KW10, post: 31556535, member: 196282"”]

Yes, the flat rate does this. The question is, do rich people pay equal tax for each, for example, 10,000 pounds they have.
If my monthly income is 10,000 pounds and I pay in taxes 1,000, do the rich whose income is 1,000,000 pounds, pay 100,000 in taxes?[/QUOTE]
That’s the way it should happen and would be the fairest way, but I can guarantee you the person earning £1m would find a loophole to pay less than half of that tax. This is why self assessment should be binned and everyone should pay a basic rate of tax, no deductions no loopholes.
I pay 41% of my earnings in tax, and I have no basic rate relief. You think that's fair when others pay 20% and 0% up to 11k? Add national insurance in there, and I'm paying closer to 50%. What next, do I just hand it all over? And FYI, my last self assessment resulted in a bill for £1000 thanks to the Scottish Government not passing on the band change from last year's budget.

No one's misinterpreted your previous posts, believe me. It's easy to make demands of a tax system when the outcome won't hit you in the pocket.
And how much of that so-called 41% you paid in tax did you claim back in a tax rebate?
That’s the way it should happen and would be the fairest way, but I can guarantee you the person earning £1m would find a loophole to pay less than half of that tax. This is why self assessment should be binned and everyone should pay a basic rate of tax, no deductions no loopholes.

That's why there are reports all the time about stars who get in the court for hiding incomes, thus stealing from all of us.
In an ideal world the rich should help fund the poor. It's not an ideal world though. I'd like someone to explain to me why a billionaire has billions and keeps it. Meanwhile millions of people go hungry. I'll make an excuse for philanthropists but otherwise the rest of the rich can go **** themselves.

Because we have tried what you suggest its called socialism with the end goal being communism. The results have been the same time and time again. The massive poweful state required for the implementation your utopian fantasies is inevitably taken over by some of the worst sociopaths and crooks and the end result is worse outcomes for almost all of the populace.

As others have pointed out a lot of billionaires are billionaires because they have been involved in new innovations that have improved the quality of life for millions. Remove the incentive for people to innovate or work harder the there peers and watch what the knock on effect to society is.
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Maybe if the rich paid decent wages to low skilled workers instead of relying on the state to top their wages up and pay their rent etc. For the rich to then whine about it in the Daily Mail calling them scroungers etc.
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