University creates "no whites" zones

Rightly so, down with white trash!! (I’m white)
Why do you posting that is acceptable?

It is racist plain and simple.

Racism is wrong just because it's white racism doesn't make it ok?

Or is it not really about ending racism but turn the tables?
Why do you posting that is acceptable?

It is racist plain and simple.

Racism is wrong just because it's white racism doesn't make it ok?

Or is it not really about ending racism but turn the tables?

Sorry, hard to follow what you’re actually asking me.

Try again.
Easy problem to fix.

All white people currently staying there leave and no white people ever pay to stay there again.

Any white people involved in the support and maintenance of said premises quit and find non-racist employment elsewhere.
This started at Evergreen College 5 years ago with Brett Weinstein.

The writing has been on the wall a while it seems.
So basically UC Berkeley are introducing and supporting apartheid in some areas?

Well now that you've made that statement you're going to have to prove it's the case.

Also, while I disagree with what the students have done it's not quite apartheid is it...
Oh dear.

And what about the first point, going to provide evidence for what you said?
The evidence a form of apartheid is being enacted at the university is in the article in the first post. Now, if you disbelieve the article your beef is with the Daily Mail, not myself.

You would also need to contact The Independent editorial team who run the same news item.

The evidence a form of apartheid is being enacted at the university is in the article in the first post. Now, if you disbelieve the article your beef is with the Daily Mail, not myself.

You would also need to contact The Independent editorial team who run the same news item.

"The university".

Another one whose failed reading comprehension.
The evidence a form of apartheid is being enacted at the university is in the article in the first post. Now, if you disbelieve the article your beef is with the Daily Mail, not myself.

You would also need to contact The Independent editorial team who run the same news item.

Oh, the article that states

"Janet Gilmore, Senior Director of Strategic Communications at the University told the house is 'not campus operated,' meaning 'it is not the role of the campus to comment.'"

And that it's a private landlord? So, it's not the university is it then.
Another one whose failed reading comprehension.
I said at the university, not by the university, as the words of the article also say, and the video shows:

”In a video of the demonstration at the University of California, Berkeley, protesters are heard shouting "Go around!" at white students while they are seen allowing BAME people through the blockade."
So basically UC Berkeley are introducing and supporting apartheid in some areas?


I said at the university, not by the university, as the words of the article also say, and the video shows:

”In a video of the demonstration at the University of California, Berkeley, protesters are heard shouting "Go around!" at white students while they are seen allowing BAME people through the blockade."
Anyway, this is now pointless.

Thread title fails to accurately convey actual story, student accommodation has stupid racist rule that no-one here agrees with nor supported by the university and @Chris Wilson is being his usual self which surprises no-one.

I'm out :)
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