Gonna be divisive but The Last Kingdom - Uhtred, just comes across as entitled, spoilt and up his own ass the entire time, to the point I got so sick of him I can't get past the mid point of S2. Should have made Brida the lead, even with her limited screen time she's a far more interesting character.
Good call on STD its a apt acronym for one of the worst shows ever to keep on getting renewed, Same goes for Tommy in goodfellas a horrible horrible toxic character a friend you would not want to have.
Michelle YeohStar Trek usually goes with 1-2 characters to be really annoying in a cast of competent explorers. Discovery went with one capable character in a cast of incompetent explorers. Anson Mount and Michelle Yeoh were the only characters keeping it on track, at least SNW was created from it.
Star Trek usually goes with 1-2 characters to be really annoying in a cast of competent explorers. Discovery went with one capable character in a cast of incompetent explorers. Anson Mount and Michelle Yeoh were the only characters keeping it on track, at least SNW was created from it.
That's exactly how it is the booksthe whole point is, it is an old Uhtred narrating his life and constantly pointing out what an absolute arse he was when he was younger.
This is how he is in the books.
I have not seen the TV series
I didn’t like any of the Soprano crew, with the possible exception of Bobby. They were all just violent, murdering human scumTony - Sopranos. I watched all of it but didn't love it like a lot do. I believe it was because most of the characters including the main one were just not that likeable.
Some great moments for sure but overall found it 'meh'.
Any of the characters from NCIS Hawaii.
Watched and enjoyed all of the other 3 NCIS shows with my wife and kids, but the characters in Hawaii were so unlikeable or had such obvious flaws/weaknesses, that by the 3rd episode we collectively decided to abandon the series.