***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

hmm syl i've noticed something rather cool.

check out the quarries in the nether, where the lava is they ignore the blocks underneath it's making quite a cool rock like formation with straight sides.

was thinking it could be scaled up to make a giant version of this kind of rock formation

Weird, there shouldnt be. The server is stopped at 4am every night and should close down normally and save without issue.
Good news everyone - the bukkit port of RP2pr5b2 is complete. I'll grab all the mods tonight for the server & client and see about getting this ball rolling!
Hi, Please can I be whitelisted? IGN - nickrose29

Been part of the "official" OC minecraft server (Linktart) for a while but wanting to tinker with IC2 etc.

Thanks Nick
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Hi, Please can I be whitelisted? IGN - nickrose29

Been part of the "official" OC minecraft server (Linktart) for a while but wanting to tinker with IC2 etc.

Thanks Nick

added - welcome! we're currently in the process of upgrading so check the site if you can't get online with the excisting client.
Yup just so people are aware we did some testing last night of 1.2.5. Every mod we currently have is upgraded and working perfectly fine, but unfortunately the bukkit plugins are all out of date. The result of this is that we had time to get the mods working but not the plugins and we are at work today so we wont be updating till this evening. Roll on 1.2.5!
How is it going Oxy? Any problems or is it all going to plan?

Ps. Can't wait for the update, this is gonna rock. :D
Righty chaps, the good news is everything has loaded nicely now and seams to work fine. The bad news is... I forgot about the worlds automatically being converted to the new format! Its currently converting world 1 and around 10% complete... Not sure on etc lol. Will keep yuo updated.
Will any items we have in the old map be automatically converted to the new format so we don't lose items out of chests etc?
indeed, should all be fine. The only single problem is, we had to change the item id for one item... the ender chest.
Think the server died. Guess tomorrow's another day and may get all the little niggles ironed out. If anyone is out of pocket due to RP block ID's rendering incorrectly let me know and i'll compensate you when i'm next on, or give me residence/spawn ID and i'll pop a chest down.
Hey syl i've had an idea of how to set up.

Build a big high hollow dirt tower basically the same size as a leg of the current dish make that into a set of templates in buildcraft.

In the new world we find the largest ocean then use a land mark to mark out 4 points 64 blocks appart, dig down in the sea bed to a set Y level that puts the towers at a decent hight abvoe surface, set the builders up so that they build a pillar at each point, we can feed them anything to build the legs of of, maybe stone brick or obsidian or something.

then on top of the pillars we build a huge surface (maybe square instead of round) and we set that up with stores machine shop etc basicaly it acts like the hutdoes now it's just a starting point.

in the middle we can build a glass tube down to the sea bed and start seting up a mine/quarry and the udner sea stuff.

i thinking if we used a qide diameter glass tube we could later install an elevator with chests on it using frames to access the underwater part.

now what I'm thinking is to raise the sea level in a huge circle (or straighter sections loaded into builders via a template and using natural features like mountains to help, ill have to seal up many caves too) we build a damn, say 20-30 blocks tall nice and ornate) then around the dam in towers we cans et up redstone pumps reaching it no oceans on the other side of the dam they'll pump source blocks i nand slowy fill up the damn so we have a ncei deap ocean to build in.

what i'm thinking that might be really coo lfrom this is the suraface we build onf irst will grow naturally liek the hut does as we need more stuff, (pump statiosn sticking off, energy generators, storage etc) to build the damn.

but the cool thing will be as the water rises parts of it will become submerged, I thoguht it wouldbe cool if we removed the chests/valuable machines but just let it take over the rooms (certain things like power gen or really usefull machiens maybe just water proofed) so as we build the surface based stuff it'll be a cool feature the old sunken ruins below the city :p
I think theres a serious problem with your giant quarry in the old red power zone tefal (warp rpex) any time i TP to the co-ordinates to reset the warp for you guys it kills the server after a few seconds. The Bukkit error seems to relate to a corrupted chunk. Have you collected all the decent ores from the chests?
I would advise not going back there today - oxy's in work until 5ish and won't be able to restart the server if it crashes.

Personally i think I'm going to grab all the decent stuff I can from the old world and just move to the new world and start afresh.
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