***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

Yeah bud the second we get it! All the mods came out for 1.2.5, but Eloraam banned a bukkit port of Red Power because of a major bug or something. But pre5b should be out any day now. At least thats what the chatter is in her irc chan! So shouldnt be long...
Yeah bud the second we get it! All the mods came out for 1.2.5, but Eloraam banned a bukkit port of Red Power because of a major bug or something. But pre5b should be out any day now. At least thats what the chatter is in her irc chan! So shouldnt be long...

I've been having a butchers on mc port central and quite a few servers are running that 1.2.5 version of rp without any issues, along with more mods than we use! The only problem I had was when trying to use the ID fixer, which isnt required by any of our mods!
seting u psome quarries to clear space for a new nether base syl

you had a look at the redpower frames syl coming in the update?

we should be able to build some epic machines.
seting u psome quarries to clear space for a new nether base syl

you had a look at the redpower frames syl coming in the update?

we should be able to build some epic machines.

Check the computers out too mate - look super fun. :)
Oxy, there seems to be some issues with the nether, Tefal and I had cleared quite an area with quarries and fillers but when I rejoined an hour later large chunks had regenerated setting back the work quite a bit.
yeah Lolism mentioned that to me a min ago. very perculiar. The server reset after a crash a short while ago but that shouldnt be an issue of a whole chunk regen, maybe a small rollback. Let me come and clear it for you
Haven't been on Minecraft in ages now, can I get whitelisted please? :D

Username is the same as my forum name: l0wther

hmmm it;s done it again, crashed and reset everything back to how it was hours before, pumps all gone again and the 4th quarry gone too.
hmmm it;s done it again, crashed and reset everything back to how it was hours before, pumps all gone again and the 4th quarry gone too.

I had a quick look this morning about 5:30am before work, noticed that a single chunk had regenerated, this is much less than what happened before, unfortunately it is the chunk that overlaps the cooling pump and pond. This doesn't seem to be a rollback as I imagine the server has performed a save all at some point since last night. Are we not running just 3 quarries atm with the 4th being cleared from the ground up by the filler? or has one of these been affected as well? I suspect the filler might be the issue as it generates huge amounts of drops that aren't collect, perhaps turn off the filler and see how it performs.
the filler chunk had regenerated i'd put the quarry backin over the filler hole as the filler had compeltly cleared to the top that reset the quarry vanished and the stuff removed by the filler repaeard
the filler chunk had regenerated i'd put the quarry backin over the filler hole as the filler had compeltly cleared to the top that reset the quarry vanished and the stuff removed by the filler repaeard

It all seems to be progressing well when I checked it again this morning, the filler quadrant is completely cleared and the other 3 quarries are halfway down. As a result we have quite a few stacks of coal which I'll turn into diamonds this afternoon. Yesterday I was trying to reinstate the cooling system with a small electric pump supplied from the geotherm unit but it would always overheat even when I had a water supply cooling it, what arrangement did you have there before?
large electric engine 2 geothermal large ellec supplying a water pump for it'self and the main engine + a lava pump.

all gold pipe cobble doesn't hold enough fluid.
Theres 4 players online and I chatted to them :p Everything seamed fine. but then one said they have a lot of lag so I reset anyway.
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