***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

I think theres a serious problem with your giant quarry in the old red power zone tefal (warp rpex) any time i TP to the co-ordinates to reset the warp for you guys it kills the server after a few seconds. The Bukkit error seems to relate to a corrupted chunk. Have you collected all the decent ores from the chests?
I would advise not going back there today - oxy's in work until 5ish and won't be able to restart the server if it crashes.

Personally i think I'm going to grab all the decent stuff I can from the old world and just move to the new world and start afresh.

As far as I know the chests were emptied, the only items of any value there was the machinery, from memory I think there was a hv solar array, mfsu, industrial engine and the 4 quarries as well as the alchemical and crystal chests. I'll stay away from the area until such time as you regen the chunks involved.
Hey syl i've had an idea of how to set up.

Build a big high hollow dirt tower basically the same size as a leg of the current dish make that into a set of templates in buildcraft.

In the new world we find the largest ocean then use a land mark to mark out 4 points 64 blocks appart, dig down in the sea bed to a set Y level that puts the towers at a decent hight abvoe surface, set the builders up so that they build a pillar at each point, we can feed them anything to build the legs of of, maybe stone brick or obsidian or something.

then on top of the pillars we build a huge surface (maybe square instead of round) and we set that up with stores machine shop etc basicaly it acts like the hutdoes now it's just a starting point.

in the middle we can build a glass tube down to the sea bed and start seting up a mine/quarry and the udner sea stuff.

i thinking if we used a qide diameter glass tube we could later install an elevator with chests on it using frames to access the underwater part.

now what I'm thinking is to raise the sea level in a huge circle (or straighter sections loaded into builders via a template and using natural features like mountains to help, ill have to seal up many caves too) we build a damn, say 20-30 blocks tall nice and ornate) then around the dam in towers we cans et up redstone pumps reaching it no oceans on the other side of the dam they'll pump source blocks i nand slowy fill up the damn so we have a ncei deap ocean to build in.

what i'm thinking that might be really coo lfrom this is the suraface we build onf irst will grow naturally liek the hut does as we need more stuff, (pump statiosn sticking off, energy generators, storage etc) to build the damn.

but the cool thing will be as the water rises parts of it will become submerged, I thoguht it wouldbe cool if we removed the chests/valuable machines but just let it take over the rooms (certain things like power gen or really usefull machiens maybe just water proofed) so as we build the surface based stuff it'll be a cool feature the old sunken ruins below the city :p

Great ideas all. Really want to build some underwater stuff given what we can do with glass panels and red power lighting. How big a radius of ocean are you thinking given we intend to create a semi-natural dam around it so we can fill it to create a far deeper ocean?

Alternatively we could quarry out a huge radius to create an ocean area that will go all the way to bedrock, sort of like having the normal ocean but then hitting a huge deeper section like the Mariana Trench and build the finished underwater base down at bedrock level there. The ruined old base could be about 40 blocks up in the ocean where the normal sea bed exists but with half the old base sitting on the edge of the drop to give the impression the ocean floor collapsed and took half the old base with it. Of course if we combined this with the raising of the ocean we'd have a ridiculously deep area in which to build almost anything.
Love the dam ideas guys. You could utilize the new pumps in RedPower PR5 to have proper flowing (and area filling) water to regulate the water on each side!

I'll be online after work to help oxy fix any previous errors from last night and will stick a chest down with an HV array, mfsu, industrial electric engine, 4 quarrys and a pump as well as all your chests and piping in your current residence.
Great ideas all. Really want to build some underwater stuff given what we can do with glass panels and red power lighting. How big a radius of ocean are you thinking given we intend to create a semi-natural dam around it so we can fill it to create a far deeper ocean?

Alternatively we could quarry out a huge radius to create an ocean area that will go all the way to bedrock, sort of like having the normal ocean but then hitting a huge deeper section like the Mariana Trench and build the finished underwater base down at bedrock level there. The ruined old base could be about 40 blocks up in the ocean where the normal sea bed exists but with half the old base sitting on the edge of the drop to give the impression the ocean floor collapsed and took half the old base with it. Of course if we combined this with the raising of the ocean we'd have a ridiculously deep area in which to build almost anything.

I'm thinking both is the best idea as they both take long periods of time without interaction.

AS the quarries hollow out the areas under the ocean the cobble can be crushed into sand and smelted to glass or made into smooth stone brick.

then we can just dump large amounts of materials into builders constructing template sections of damn around the map as we build the base.

then the water can get set to fill the pool above while we build below.

I think with good use of builders we should be pretty good, and i've had an idea about new power sources less space efficient than lava but should be much cheaper than solar.

Frames could also be used to build some really cool stuff, I'm going to draw a quick sketch for the idea of the elevator as i think it might look good.

as for rpex, only 4 quarries 1 industrial engine, 1 large engine, hv solar array + mfsu one mv solar array + mfe and a pair of pumps.
I'm not suer if iwas at RPEX before i quit the game so i wont log o ntil loxys around i ncase i am and it crashes.
Yup, I'm guessing another chunk has corrupted. Oxy should be home shortly and we'll get this fixed up. I think we may need to gather our belongings and shift to the new 1.2.5 world if it's going to act like that.
I seen the maker of forrestry has linked your texture pack up to use - nice.

I am currently one of the biggest mod texture packs creators (2 in top 3). Supporting over 25mods. Altho I support so many mods I am still not as popular as lot of packs due to me only starting to create mod texture packs 3-4 months ago.

List of currently supported mods
Compact Solars CPW’s
BC-IC Crossover Mod
IndustrialCraft² Thermometer
Charging Bench
Addtional Buildcraft Objects
Additional Buildcraft Pipes
Logistics Pipes
Sneaky Pipes
Iron Chests
Backpack mod
Wireless Redstone
Laser Mod
Power Converters
Portal Gun Mod
Advanced machines
Doggy Talents
Wireless Redstone Chickenbones Edition
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Well guys, my first day over on this server, and what can I say....

But what a great server and a brilliant set of lads to mine with.:D

Thanks to you all for easing me into, what I'm sure will become my second home.:)
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Well guys, my first day over on this server, and what can I say....

But what a great server and a brilliant set of lads to mine with.:D

Thanks to you all for easing me into, what I'm sure will become my second home.:)

Glad you enjoyed mate. Hopefully the teething problems with the recent upgrade from 1.1 to 1.2.5 will be sorted in the next day or so and everyone can get back to business.

Just a note to anyone who hasn't been around in the last day or two:

The current world you knew "modworld" had far too many chunk problems and as a result caused the server to crash, therefore when a player in that problematic chunk logged in after a server restart the crash kept repeating.

We ended up wiping that world and creating a new one "frames" which again, had chunk errors and moved to the 3rd world "potato" which was as DigitalReaper called it "waterworld" literally all water - no land bar a few tiny islands. Fast forward to now, the 4th new world "cactus". This world seems fine and will (hopefully) become the new default. You should hopefully spawn in the "potato" or "frames" world. Potato has a portal to frames, which has a portal to cactus - you should move here for the mean time.

We've all lost our items bar what you have in your inventory. I plan on starting fresh as are quite a few others. If anyone wants some of their old items back, I feel that's only fair, so give me a shout and I'll speak to oxy and see what I can do.
... and moved to the 3rd world "potato" which was as DigitalReaper called it "waterworld" literally all water - no land bar a few tiny islands ...

Bring back "potato", all is forgiven :D

We've all lost our items bar what you have in your inventory. I plan on starting fresh as are quite a few others. If anyone wants some of their old items back, I feel that's only fair, so give me a shout and I'll speak to oxy and see what I can do.

Tefal, this is the decision we have to make, either start afresh with nothing but what we have on us (just my armour and sword), or have our previous items redeemed courtesy of oxy and lolism. I don't mind either way as with all the intended work we will soon be back in business.
Its back up now. But I plan to download the new world and locally render it to avoid explorer lag. So I will keep the server off a min until that is complete
Ok 20% done on filling in all terrain. worldborder works fine and this shouldnt take long. I'm also attempting to dynmap render the world while its local to speed things up.
Bring back "potato", all is forgiven :D

Tefal, this is the decision we have to make, either start afresh with nothing but what we have on us (just my armour and sword), or have our previous items redeemed courtesy of oxy and lolism. I don't mind either way as with all the intended work we will soon be back in business.

I don't mind either, think all i've got is some RP transposers or filters (unless they've broken) some assorted junk blocks for getting over high things and my armour.

if we choose to start fresh i think our first goal should be to get an alchemical chest and a repair talisman so we can dig with diamond picks and not have to make loads..
looking at the cactuas map render the world border seems a bit small?

limited initially to reduce lag. should hopefully be expanded when a full map render has been done and all the plugins sorted. still trying to track down the lag issue!
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syl was looking round and what do you think to this (unless somthing better shows up after render.


small baslat island for some intial material, a massive oil sources for bildcraft power so we dont waste EU and lots of ocean.

we'll need to bring some saplings and seeds over though.
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