***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

Just a small update on what's going on for anyone interested: Neil's came up with a fantastic idea for our relaunch including some new mods to play with and plugins to change it up a bit. We have a new logging and protection plugin that seems pretty fantastic too, which should keep things extra secure without any lag issues.

Sounds great, really looking forward to it :)

Nick if your offer still stands let me know and I'll add you on Skype and give you the details. This applies to anyone else too.

I'd be glad to help, I'll PM you with my skype and email address.
We will be looking for some staff for the new setup, and the long standing members will also have the option of receiving some extra perks when we re-launch the server. :)
We will be looking for some staff for the new setup, and the long standing members will also have the option of receiving some extra perks when we re-launch the server. :)

I am willing to help all I can. I have been spreading the word all over to encourage people to join.

I would relish the chance of becoming a member of staff, if you think I am upto it.
We should be ready for testing the new build in the next couple of days, your more than welcome to come and help out :D . We will also be building a new spawn area once the behind the scenes stuff is sorted.
can I get whitelisted please? MC name: hunter_pa

Done! Be sure to download the client :) If you don't want to use it, just copy the .minecraft folder from the downloaded one and overwrite the one in %AppData% and start MC with your usual Minecraft.exe
I am willing to help all I can. I have been spreading the word all over to encourage people to join.

I would relish the chance of becoming a member of staff, if you think I am upto it.

Hey mate, glad your in! I've added you on skype, heading to bed in a mo but will catch up with you tomorrow.
please add me to whitelist

game name = yrthilian


shouldn't you be getting the official server up and running??? *cracks whip*

Supose everyone's due a break at some point - added :) Feel free to look around, there's no spawn at present as we're working on a whole new loadout and map.
Thats cool

I am working on new server. But as you say every so often pne needs a break :P

new server should be running in the next few days once the main back end stuff is finished :D
FT is working on that bit.
Right guys, the server will be down for a short while while we are preparing for the re-launch. We will be needing testers and builders to help with the new server/spawn. Anyone who is interested please either post here or get in touch with myself lolism or nickrose. :)
OK Chaps and chapesses, the new server is now up and in the testing phase.

As Neil said we are looking for testers and or new spawn builders, as well as new players.

We have some great new plugins that should almost certainly eliminate 99% of griefers.:D

Anyone interested please make a post here or PM either myself, Neiljb or Lolism.
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It says that i am not white listed.


Hi 12m,

Nobody is whitelisted at the moment.

We are just in the testing and building of spawn phase right now.

The server only went 'live' last night.

Hopefully will not be too long before we are ready to open.

We will keep you all informed.

Although the server is live we are not ready for players yet. When we are ready for some testers we will let you know.:)

Edit: beaten to it :-P
any stuff from the old maps coming across?

what mods are on it now btw?

Not played much lately due to work/being away at weekends need an idea of something to build
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