***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

syl qarries up an running, not got many chests so set it to incinerate cobble and dirt and 50 % of sand

added you to chest perms.

man theres a lot of clay under the sea.
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and first new person to join the server a dude with the name "megagreifer" yeah this is gonna end well...

hope you've got something like log book so you can do roll backs as even outside residences griefers can causes massive issues.
Don't worry, we have adequate measures in place, that include but are not limited to a player logging plugin (Which also covers EE griefing). We are confident we can manage the server effectively. :)
Just popped on to check this out and had to post to say thanks to whoever is hosting this for everyone to play on.

Never played MC on-line before and most servers are locked and so its refreshing to see someone taking a new way of doing things.

I just hope no one slips through your defences and ruins it for everyone.:(
Thanks for the kind words mate. Hopefully with the ranking system (which locks the majority of dangerous tools until very later on the game) will discourage griefing. Failing that we have a pretty fantastic plugin for rolling back damage without causing any lag.

Also residences are a key tool to preventing griefing to your house, you can even stop people from entering your residenced area (/res set move false)
can we please get rid of this kadfer2 tard? just spamming chat with crap, now he;s muted jsut burning himself to death to keep spamming thw chat with death mesages.
Pretty good turn out for the first day of a small launch, even better that there was only one guy needing removed.

Good work to all :)
Quite an interesting idea with this. Have you considered looking for any 'votekick' type plugins? Could be a good idea for when you don't have admins online :)
syl qarries up an running, not got many chests so set it to incinerate cobble and dirt and 50 % of sand
added you to chest perms.
man theres a lot of clay under the sea.

Checked the quarries this morning before work and they were down to lvl13, cleared the chests also. We should perhaps store a few chests full of dirt as it is handy for making mockups and blueprints, not need so much cobble as we can always generate that.
Quite an interesting idea with this. Have you considered looking for any 'votekick' type plugins? Could be a good idea for when you don't have admins online :)

Honestly never thought of that to be honest, may keep that in mind. However we're planning on getting some additional mods to help with promoting people who've completed the tasks & get rid of those who are a pain :D
Server will be back in a sec chaps - just ran a full backup of the MC folder and it's dropped the connection while it runs. Another 5mins tops.

edit: It's back, I did a few updates and reboot the box while I was at it.
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