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Unreal Engine 5 - unbelievable.

6 Feb 2019
Same argument could be said with frame caps but people never mention that - aka i could say why buy a 4090 if you use a frame cap. But just cause you don't run it at full performance all the time doesn't mean it was a waste
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27 Nov 2005
Same argument could be said with frame caps but people never mention that - aka i could say why buy a 4090 if you use a frame cap. But just cause you don't run it at full performance all the time doesn't mean it was a waste

A frame cap is totally different,

For example if you had a very demanding game that the GPU could run at 50fps and you put in a 60fps frame cap you would still get 50fps
Where if you put in a power limit you would get less then 50fps
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14 Dec 2011
A frame cap is totally different,

For example if you had a very demanding game that ran at 50fps and you had a 60fps frame cap you would still get 50fps
Where if you put in a power limit you would get less then 50fps
Exactly. The Genious should have bought at weaker GPU!
How stoopid can one be really ..LMAO!



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Why buy a 4090 if you're going to just limit it to 72% ?
Because it's like 4-5fps average drop, max whilst the GPU runs cooler, quieter and as a result the rest of the system runs cooler and quieter not having to spool up the case fans higher as a result when gaming. Lower model cards would be considerably more laboured doing the same thing and thus struggling to maintain frames. A 4090 does not have this issue.

A 4090 makes power limiting totally trivial, it's merely done to generate less heat and noise as the fps drop is so low it's irrelevant. I run mine at 80% PL at all times for example just because I can, under 300 watts draw in non RT games, under 360 watts draw in RT games whilst the fans spin at ~1200-1700rpm vs stock PL taking the fans to 2200rpm+ and 450 watts draw which is a waste of power and a waste of efficiency. 4090s are considerably over-specced on power limits.

Also what the others have said.

Edit* corrected wattage, 3 not 2.
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27 Nov 2005
Because it's like 4-5fps average drop, max whilst the GPU runs cooler, quieter and as a result the rest of the system runs cooler and quieter not having to spool up the case fans higher as a result when gaming. Lower model cards would be considerably more laboured doing the same thing and thus struggling to maintain frames. A 4090 does not have this issue.

A 4090 makes power limiting totally trivial, it's merely done to generate less heat and noise as the fps drop is so low it's irrelevant. I run mine at 80% PL at all times for example just because I can, under 200 watts draw in non RT games, under 260 watts draw in RT games whilst the fans spin at ~1200-1700rpm vs stock PL taking the fans to 2200rpm+ and 450 watts draw which is a waste of power and a waste of efficiency. 4090s are considerably over-specced on power limits.

Also what the others have said.

I tested this last night

Runing the Shadow of timb raider benchmark with no power limit my system draw hit 650watts and with the 72% power limit it hit 629watts
Working out the average power would not be easy as it was up & down all the time through the benchmarks
I will need to try testing with some other stuff

You were right about the small FPS drop

Min FPS: 0.0
Max FPS: 387.4
Average FPS: 209.6
Num Frames: 32916

Min FPS: 0.0
Max FPS: 380.8
Average FPS: 212.9
Num Frames: 33392

But with trying different FPS caps i could get hundreds of watts less draw ;)
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Yeah with an fps cap far below the maximum delta you're always going to be drawing even less power because you're nowhere near labouring the GPU, my point still stands, a 4090 affords that luxury that lower GPUs cannot as they reach their labouring limits. Power limiting just allows for a certain global threshold to be maintained, and on top of that you can tailor an fps cap depending on game. I run my emulation games like Zelda BoTW at 72fps for example even though it could run at over 100fps at 5120x2160, but there's no point because anything above 72fps is meaningless, so why bother.

On the flipside all native PC games are framecapped by Gsync at 139fps as I want 100fps minimum for PC games where I am moving the camera with a mouse for maximum fluidity.
27 Nov 2005
On the flipside all native PC games are framecapped by Gsync at 139fps as I want 100fps minimum for PC games where I am moving the camera with a mouse for maximum fluidity.

G-sync doesn't do that on my system, Like just now i loaded up Bioshock remastered and the game running at well over 600fps unless i enable v-sync or enter a max framecap and i have a G-sync monitor with gsync enabled

Did you enter the 139fps under the Max Frame Rate in the Nvidia control panel ?
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
G-sync doesn't do that on my system, Like just now i loaded up Bioshock remastered and the game running at well over 600fps unless i enable v-sync or enter a max framecap and i have a G-sync monitor with gsync enabled

Did you enter the 139fps under the Max Frame Rate in the Nvidia control panel ?

Do you have Vsync turned off in NVCP? Because correct procedure for Gsync is to have Gsync enabled, and also Vsync. ON a Gsync display Vsync has a secondary function and is required as part of the Gsync system.

With it enabled my menu framerate doesn't exceed 139fps even with no framerate cap set in NVCP. This is what my control panel settings look liek for Gsync:


I can set game-specific framerate caps in NVCP if I want a lower cap for example, but with it off and only Gsync+Vsync on, that's all that is needed for correct Gsync operation.

All in-game fps limiters and Vsync should be off. Purely Nvidia driver should be handling Gsync+Vsync.
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27 Nov 2005
I just find another setting in the nvidia control panel
Preferred refresh rate (Asus Computer Inc ROG PG35V) where i can choose "Appication controlled or Highest available "



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Don't change that, leave be on the default highest available. There isn't anything else that needs to be changed there other than anything specifically preferential.
6 Feb 2019
I just find another setting in the nvidia control panel
Preferred refresh rate (Asus Computer Inc ROG PG35V) where i can choose "Appication controlled or Highest available "

You can leave it as it is unless you're having issues with the refresh rate. Some monitors can have an issue where the screen will actually exceed the max refresh rate with the default setting, cause stutters, flickering etc but unless this happens to you, you can leave the default. If you do have issues then setting the screen to stay 3hz under the maximum refresh is recommended
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