After having switched to chrome for the past good few years (it was faster than firefox at the time, I like chrome/google's integration amongst a nicer UI) after years of using firefox, I've decided to try firefox again......
Firefox is defiently a little more snappy than chrome now and has some nice little additions so I'll stick with it for the time being but once google chrome gets its makeover in September, I'll probably switch back again
Also, firefox uses more RAM than chrome for me (same number of addons installed, actually I lie, I have more installed for chrome..... i.e. google docs, drive etc.), with firefox, I just have stylish, ublock, enhanced steam and push bullet.
Also, this does my head in...... stylish/ocuk looks better in chrome i.e. the font and the buttons:
Imgur has compressed the image quite poorly so the difference isn't as noticeable :/
And back to chrome I go, this forum font + style theme was doing my head in on firefox!