Thought I’d address some of the points raised in the very kind replies.
My family is my mum and brother. Both have jobs they cannot give up, so moving north permanently is out of the question.
Hospitals nearer me do heart transplants, but the Freeman is the specialist hospital in the UK for transplanting patients with congenital heart disease, and the only hospital to have done a combined heart and liver on patients with the same condition as myself. They have done 2 so far, and both are alive and well and back in full time employment. Indeed, the first guy had around a week left to live when the organs came through. He’s not only back at work, but 6 months after leaving hospital, completed the Great North Run too.
The reason I would have to stay in hospital is nothing to do with being close if an organ becomes available. The hospital has many options for transport open to them for transplant patients, including air ambulances.
The reason is that there two lists for transplant, a routine list and a priority list. Your condition depends on which one you are on. Routine patients can stay at home, but priority patients have to remain in hospital until an organ becomes available.
Also. Being in hospital allows the docs to administer inotropes, which are IV medications that support and enhance cardiac function, keeping you alive and feeling as well as possible for longer.
I have to see what the final result is, but it could be without doubt the biggest decision I’ll ever have to make in life!
What would you do?