Upset neighbours

27 Mar 2013
I'm interested to hear gd's thoughts on this. As the weather has been getting better my kids (6 and 9) have been playing outside more. The neighbours behind us have complained about the noise, the first time they shouted to tell my 6 year old to stop ******* screaming. They look 50s or older and have lived in their house for 20 odd years, it's the middle of a housing estate (for reference we've lived here about 15 years). I only mention the time they've been here, as it must have been a regular occurance at some point. Kids make noise should I be trying to get them to quieten down or just leave them to it? I try to stop my son screeching, but kids make noise when they're having fun. I do know the address so the letterbox is an option :p . Just wondered if this is common, they've not said anything previous tears, however they've taken down a 15 foot tree recently which may have attenuated the noise somewhat.
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I suppose you could ask your kids to play a little quieter, but kids are kids at the end of the day. There's very little the neighbours can do about it, other than fill your own letterbox.
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There's playing and there's screaming and screeching :) If your kids are doing more screaming than playing, I sympathise with your neighbours (as a parent of a 8 and 11 year old)
This. Kids being loud is normal, but our next door neighbours kids screech the most awful piercing scream constantly. It is very annoying. I don’t think neighbours should be subjected to it whenever the weather is warm. They might want to relax in their garden too.
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It depends on how long it goes on for, I've got a 5 year old girl and 7 year old boy, they play together outside for hours at a time and it sometimes gets quite noisy, but if it goes on too long I tell them to stfu. I think short periods of quite loud playing is perfectly fine and healthy for young kids, but they also need to know that it can't go on for a long time and that it can be annoying for other people.
There's no need for kids to be screaming, sounds like it's not just the odd occasion judging by your post therefore you probably need to show more consideration to others and allow them to have some semblance of also being able to enjoy their home/garden.
There's playing and there's screaming and screeching :) If your kids are doing more screaming than playing, I sympathise with your neighbours (as a parent of a 8 and 11 year old)

Parents are often tonally deaf to their own kids' actions (source:me and every other parent) and I am in full agreement with cj_newman (if that even is his real name, which I doubt).
Some old lass complained in the street WhatsApp about kids screaming during the height of lockdown. Everyone rinsed the old bird and she left the group. Much lols were had
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