Upset neighbours

I'm not here as a social worker for a neighbour, they should be looking up the details of such services if they need them. No way am I going around to deal with them in person because most people are completely unreasonable in that respect these days and if they choose to respond with a torrid of abuse it's achieved nothing other than them knowing where an official complaint is likely to have come from.

My point was more that if you (and people in general) got to know their neighbours, you'd actually see them as people, rather than just an anonymous source of noise, and might actually be a bit more understanding & tolerant.

neglect to bring the up with the right discipline is the sort of thing that leads to kids becoming criminals and drug addicts etc later in life.

No. Bad parenting does that, or are you trying to suggest that there were no criminals and drug addicts before slapping your kids around was "banned"*?

Using "the right discipline" doesn't requisite using violence to bully your child into doing what you want. Problem is, the alternative requires actually making an effort to communicate with the child properly and teaching them understanding on why not to do things, rather than just forcing them through fear, and unfortunately many people are too lazy and take the easy shortcut of a quick slap.

* Interestingly, it seems it isn't actually technically illegal in England or NI
Honestly I'm a little shocked by the lack of compassion from both sides in this whole thread.

It's strange to me how over the last 50 years we've developed this 'screw you' mentality like we're the most important thing in the world. That's not how we live together.

The trouble is 'them' and never us.

The thing is, we're all people and we're all doing the best we can, we need to learn how to start helping each other out again. Actual communites are great, going down the local greengrocer or butcher and shooting the breeze with a neighbour, trading favours and friendship.

The problem is we're all caught up in our own little worlds, our little circles, going to the same places and getting our home deliveries. 'They' are a problem, a potential enemy and we must fight our ground.

When we build relationships you may get someone coming up to you saying "I'm sorry the little one was so noisy yesterday, honestly I just don't know what to do anymore, I can't cope." and there's an opportunity to try and fix a problem together.

Honestly, you lot need to have a good long think about how you're conducting yourself in the world ;)

Rant over, consider yourselves told, lol.
Honestly I'm a little shocked by the lack of compassion from both sides in this whole thread.

It's strange to me how over the last 50 years we've developed this 'screw you' mentality like we're the most important thing in the world. That's not how we live together.

The trouble is 'them' and never us.

The thing is, we're all people and we're all doing the best we can, we need to learn how to start helping each other out again. Actual communites are great, going down the local greengrocer or butcher and shooting the breeze with a neighbour, trading favours and friendship.

The problem is we're all caught up in our own little worlds, our little circles, going to the same places and getting our home deliveries. 'They' are a problem, a potential enemy and we must fight our ground.

When we build relationships you may get someone coming up to you saying "I'm sorry the little one was so noisy yesterday, honestly I just don't know what to do anymore, I can't cope." and there's an opportunity to try and fix a problem together.

Honestly, you lot need to have a good long think about how you're conducting yourself in the world ;)

Rant over, consider yourselves told, lol.

Put rather more eloquently than my post trying to say the same thing :)

whining about the whinging is getting a bit grammar nazi-esque btw :p
What about the whining about the whining about the whining?
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