Upset neighbours

I've told the kids to not be so rowdy and to try and go on the street more (we live on a culdesac) and maybe give other neighbours gardens a go. There are 3 other family's with similar aged kids, but they always tend to go in my garden so hopefully this will pacify the neighbours a bit.

Maybe the other parents are a bit more strict and they dont allow screaming in their gardens so the kids come to yours where its a free for all.
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It doesn't concern your neighbours if it's earlier enough in the evening.

At the end of the day the law is up until 11pm (i think it's 11pm) it ok and only after where noise can be reported as anti-social.

Ultimatly considering their ages I doubt they are even out that late what 7-8pm? I hardly think that's late at all. I don't even have kids but this seems like an over-reaction to me on children playing outside, I bet they're the kind of neighbours that complain kids spend too much inside playing games in front of the TV too.

I don't know if your children and hit the frequency of bats or something but shutting the windows tends to drown out most noise so I can't imagine they are screeming to such a level the windows are shaking or something. I think if it's later at night 8pm onwards or something then sure you can start to say yeh it's be inconsiderate.

You can ask your kids to keep it down but kids will be kids at the end of the day.

Unless after all this we find out you bought them a drum set, amplifier and a guitar and they're out their screaming death metal... then op... you're a dick :cry:

Completely inaccurate. There are no time controls on noise.
Additionally you shouldn't have to shut your windows. People are allowed to have their windows open and enjoy their own outdoor spaces.

Kids will be kids. The cop out of feckless parents everywhere.
Completely inaccurate. There are no time controls on noise.
Additionally you shouldn't have to shut your windows. People are allowed to have their windows open and enjoy their own outdoor spaces.

Kids will be kids. The cop out of feckless parents everywhere.

There might not be a strict legal time window but anti-social noise between 11pm and 7am and so on can see action taken against you:

EDIT: Or other times if that is your point - it doesn't have to be night time noise to be legally unreasonable.
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Of course if you do phone the council and tell them "Hi, I'd like to complain about some kids laughing and playing on a trampoline", I'm pretty sure the kids wouldn't be the only ones laughing :p
What would you like us to do with the baby? Gag them?
Babies gonna baby.
Just a sush or a kiss usually stops this.

Also don’t like parents thrusting a tablet on their 15 month old to play noisy games. Lazy parenting. Listening to Peppa Pig and the likes for 20 mins at the doctors waiting room was annoying
Just a sush or a kiss usually stops this.

Also don’t like parents thrusting a tablet on their 15 month old to play noisy games. Lazy parenting. Listening to Peppa Pig and the likes for 20 mins at the doctors waiting room was annoying
We bought headphones for that reason, although tablets are more for long journeys. Make car trips much more pleasant :D .
As a parent of a 5 week old baby, it really doesn't. If they want to get grumpy they're going to do it regardless.

Depends on person and baby, and what is making them cry, quite a bit, some people have more of a knack and/or understanding than others. Some babies will be super grumpy for 9 out of 10 people but respond to that 1 in 10, etc. etc.

I'm one of the people who seems to have a knack for it, but it doesn't work for every baby.
What would you like us to do with the baby? Gag them?

Based on some of the replies in this thread, hitting them until they're quiet seems to be the advised solution :(

Babies gonna baby.

Stop being so feckless :cry:

Just a sush or a kiss usually stops this.

You've been very lucky with your kids if this is all it takes to stop them crying!

Also don’t like parents thrusting a tablet on their 15 month old to play noisy games. Lazy parenting. Listening to Peppa Pig and the likes for 20 mins at the doctors waiting room was annoying

So... You don't want the kid making any noise, but the parent also isn't allowed to do anything to stop it? 10/10 logic :p

FWIW I agree re. noisy games, and while I will give mine my phone to keep them entertained, the sound will be off.

If you have a better suggestion on how to keep a bored & miserable 1-2 year old distracted and quiet then I'm happy to hear it, as they sure as hell aren't going to sit there quietly staring at the walls for 20 minutes.

I assume you use those 20 minutes productively rather than just staring at your own phone, otherwise that would be a bit hypocritical, wouldn't it. :cry:
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