Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

27 Feb 2011
Does anybody play this? I've had a couple of characters for a few years now, it might seem very basic because it's text based but I think it's the closest any game has come to my dream zombie apocalypse mmo. Unfortunately you only get 50 action points a day, so it's handy for people at work when you have a few minutes spare. I check in a couple of times a day to make sure whatever safe house I'm in is still barricaded and whether I need to gtfo.

I was wondering if anybody wanted to meet up and start an ocuk safehouse somewhere in the city?


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Current Location: The Hutchinson Building, East Becktown (Currently under siege) // Radio Frequency 28.30 // Try to keep Barricades at VSB++



Urban Dead Wiki

Map Of Malton

First Day in Malton Guide

What's this game about?

You're a citizen of Malton, a city that's in the process of being evacuated and quarantined to contain a sinister contagion - you play as either a trapped civilian, a member of the evacuating military, a scientist operating in the background, or a victim of the early outbreaks.

Malton is a grid of 100x100 city blocks, each of which is either a nondescript street, or a particular type of building - you move around the map by clicking on the names of the blocks. Buildings can be entered and barricaded by survivors, to shelter from the zombie hordes that roam the city.

Other citizens of Malton appear on the map as names in coloured boxes (the colour matching their class; green for Military, blue for Science, red for Civilian and grey for Zombie); they also appear in the location's description.

Some character classes start with equipment, and all characters can search to find further objects during the course of the game - some are weapons, some are one-use items, others have subtler or more permanent effects. All characters start with at least one Skill, which grants them an extra ability or bonus in the game - by gaining experience points, players can buy further skills and develop their characters.

Players get fifty "actions" per day - these are be used to move, attack, search or otherwise interact with the city. When your action points are gone, you have to wait for them to recharge. (Players remain visible and vulnerable on the map when they're out of Action Points or logged out; survivor players should find secure shelter between logins.)

What should I be doing?

It's up to you how to play the game, but as a general guidline: as a survivor, you should search the city for helpful equipment, and for other people to team up with. You'll be quite vulnerable to begin with, so don't risk drawing too much attention to yourself (some higher-level zombies have the ability to follow a survivor that's attacked them and run away), and make sure that you're safely hidden in a building that's either secured or barricaded, when you've finished for the day.

Existence as a zombie is rather simpler. It can be a good idea to find a horde at the end of the day, though - a lone zombie is a much easier target for a passing zombie hunter.
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Used to play it all the time up until about a month ago, quite a few peeps on here used to have like a guild going on.

Last time I played though the Zombies had taken over virtually everything, so it got pants. Not sure if they've reset something or other.
Think I tried this a while back and ended up zombified in virtually no time at all. Maybe I should retry it (super bored in work).
Name a place and we could meet up, might take a few days to travel but I needed supplies anyway. If your interested in setting up a safe house we need a few things. A generator, fuel and a radio.
I've created a character and had a look around a bit. If I play it again later/tomorrow I'll let you know. I don't want to make you go out of your way for stuff and then not end up playing :)
Might give this a go, but 'working' now so cant really try until laters. Will post if I sign up :)

Just a warning though, it's not a game you play for hours because of the action points. You get 50ap a day, so it only takes ten minutes to use them all, then you have to wait for your ap to replenish. I usually check in once a day. It's ideal if you work in an office and have some time to spare every lunch break.
Well, I'm holed up in the fire station in Regan bank with a few randoms. I have an axe and radio, we have a running generator. I have no idea what else to do, but I know we are heavily barricaded. Where's everyone else? I may have to axe one of my cohabitants if I don't find something useful to do. My are is supposedly quite safe but I'm worried if i leave I won't get back in lol. Definitely a cool lunch break game
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Well, I'm holed up in the fire station in Regan bank with a few randoms. I have an axe and radio, we have a running generator. I have no idea what else to do, but I know we are heavily barricaded. Where's everyone else? I may have to axe one of my cohabitants if I don't find something useful to do. My are is supposedly quite safe but I'm worried if i leave I won't get back in lol. Definitely a cool lunch break game

I'm just north of you in Molebank. It's pretty hairy up here, zeds all over.

I could make my way down to you?

haha ok I choose the former. I just realised I probably should have looked at the wiki you provided. I'm in west becktown (one square north of you) so I'll head towards where you are tomorrow ;-0 my user name is Tyrone77
I'll pop up for a visit today, it's boring down in reganbank and all the buildings are knackered/empty, or heavily barricaded and can't get in.
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