Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

I'm Devrij, still in Molebank, saving up AP to make it to police station for a gun. If ther're more zeds around I may spend some time kicking ass to get some xp instead. It is a pain when you miss 5 hits in a row, but having the axe makes up for it a bit.
Btw, the police station 7 blocks west of our hospital is extremely heavily barricaded so don't bother unless you have the free running skill or enough ap to break through, which I didn't.
I have updated the OP :)

I'm Devrij, still in Molebank, saving up AP to make it to police station for a gun. If ther're more zeds around I may spend some time kicking ass to get some xp instead. It is a pain when you miss 5 hits in a row, but having the axe makes up for it a bit.

I didn't even bother with guns until I levelled up a bit. The axe is your friend when new.
I fell asleep outside next to a zombie and I've been infected. If I come in can I be healed and lose the infection? Or am I going to end up a zombie?
I fell asleep outside next to a zombie and I've been infected. If I come in can I be healed and lose the infection? Or am I going to end up a zombie?

Where are you? Come inside and I'll heal you

Edit: You're standing on the doorstep with two zombies! Come inside quick lol

Damn, I went to bring the PD barricades down to VSB but ran out of AP before I managed it, now I'm on the doorstep of the PD
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Lol, thanks for the heal. I'm inside now. The pd was being watched when I was there so hope you make it back alright :p
My UB name is the same as here.

I'll be at the hospital soon. I got 2 flak jackets going spare. No idea if they're useful.
Well I hope so, because there's 2 zombies in here with us. I've axed one down to 32HP, but if no one else wakes up we'll all be eaten!
I just made my character earlier today unfortunately im only just over half way to the hospitals location(currently at north blytheville, herbert rd PD). I was getting a bit worried as most of the building i've come across have been barricaded to such an extent that i can't access them.

I would rather wait untill i've got full ap to move again but the pd im in has had a zombie outbreak and i dont know if i should just move on and avoid being killed sonner or later or stay and wait it out and hopefully the 10 humans in here will become active soon and save my ass. I've only got 5 ap at the moment and I dont know if any of the other buildings nearby will help me.

My characters name is setheril, im not sure how long i will stay interested with this game, just started it out of boredom
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Well, once we get everyone in one spot we can get a safehouse put together. 2 of the 3 zombies in the hospital are dead now so once everyone else wakes up the last one should go reasonably quickly. I was doing the mashed potato on his ass til I passed out. I quite like having something to jump on and play for a few minutes when I'm riding the bus or eating lunch. Just wish you got more ap to use.
Awesome, we've nearly cleaned out the last of the zeds in the hospital, we seem to be getting a decent stream of them in. The last one is down to 10hp so should be gone soon, barricades are back at vsb and generator is up and running.
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