Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

I found your hospital and went to say something, but being on my phone I ended up attacking some random by mistake lol. Passed a zed and a dead body outside on my way in btw, and I messed that zed up with my axe! Had him down to 12 HP before I ran out of ap and had to come in. Loving this game
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ok I'm heading towards yours. It's going to be another day before I make it LOL. I'm in the Junkyard far NW of Molebank. Please dont stick an axe in my head
I'm asleep so no chance of accidental axing. My next outing is going to be towards the police station to hopefully get a gun. You should pass it on your way down
You need to get some and XP to level and get the skill that allows you to move around buildings without going outside. Obviously it means actually finding somewhere with the doors open to begin with, but once you do you're cooking on gas.
You need to get some and XP to level and get the skill that allows you to move around buildings without going outside. Obviously it means actually finding somewhere with the doors open to begin with, but once you do you're cooking on gas.


Most organised safehouses have a "VSB" (very strongly barricaded) building next door to their "EHB" (extremely heavily barricaded) base. Life is much easier when you can go from building to building.

If anybody needs reviving I manufactured a syringe last night, only one though. They cost 20 AP to make not including the journey to the NT building.
So besides finding zombies to kill to gain xp, what action do you recommend for us noobs?

Well, like any other mmo you want to earn as much xp as possible at first, when you get a few abilities the game opens up more. Find a decent safehouse with active people to help defend and heal you, the hospital I'm in at the minute seems like a good place to earn some xp. There is a steady flow of zombies coming from the NW and friendly survivors maintaining barricades and healing. Once you have a few skills we could find a shopping mall, they are usually heavily under siege but it's where all the magic happens.

Also if you haven't already, make another character or two (not too many though) so you have more to do. I have a dedicated zombie character and survivor. Try to keep all your characters in seperate suburbs, you can get banned if they think you're cheating/ building up xp.
Rather crap tbh, tried shooting and punching a Zombie, missed all the time, Zombie never attacked, i was rather confused.
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Whats the name of the hospital and suburb.

St Elisabeth's Hospital in Molebank. :)

Rather crap tbh, tried shooting and punching a Zombie, missed all the time, Zombie never attacked, i was rather confused.

Yes, you are low level and the zombie didn't attack because the user wasn't controlling it at the time.

To be honest I'm finding it quite hard going (as in: boring). Going to persevere a bit longer though.

Yes it certainly isn't for everyone. I am a massive fan of the romero dead trilogy and the Max Brooks books. I love the radio broadcasts and news reports in the films/books. This game relies heavily on people basically writing what they are doing, even if they can't do it in game. If that makes sense? Basically good old fashion roleplay like the D&D days.

There is a lot of back story to most suburbs, these are on the wiki. Also the historical events section has some good stories

I was lucky enough to witness a large siege at a mall about a year ago. There was at least 300 zombies outside and around 200 survivors inside the mall and surrounding buildings. We managed to hold out for over a week before they finally brought the barricades down for good.
I would love to become human again.
About 2 or 3 blocks north of hospital now.
however I think it might make more sense if I create another character.. and just come to the hospital :)

<EDIT> OK I made a new char and I'm outside the hospital.... how the **** do I get in!!! there are 15 zombies in the next block as I went past

<EDIT 2> OK I'm now in, user name is Zealous888 :)
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Turns out I already have an account and i'm in an OcUK group from 2005! :eek:

Another similar but non browser game is http://roguesurvivor.blogspot.com/

The graphics aren't amazing but it's good fun for a while.

EDIT: On my way to the hospital now. Will prob take a few days. I've got some flak jackets and weapons.
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