Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

I wasnt very impressed by this game so far. I found 3 zombies right outside my starting safe house. They never once tried to attack me. I was also unable to kill even 1 of them in my 50 moves. Kinda boring game.

Logged off zombies won't attack you. Also attacking with a low chance to hit attack kinda sucks. The more skills that increase chance to attack you buy (like pistol training, etc) the better your hit % will be.

It's not for everyone though, and the 50ap/day limit does suck.
I'm in East Beckton, about 10-15 moves away from where everyone is atm. Hopefully see you all in there tonight, and then I can work out wtf I'm meant to do in this game :D
Feel free to get someone to shoot me for you to heal me up if you want. I'm just chilling here anyway. Or I'll shoot someone. Whatever.

Edit: Actually I'm out of AP. Maybe later.
lol that's the post apocalypse spirit ;) Are you coming to join us?

Have you seen The Road? That guy knew his stuff :)

I'll be heading over with all my chars pretty soon. I've kind of spammed it a bit though.

FrenchTart, FrenchTart2, FrenchTart3, FrenchTart4, FrenchTart5
Aekeron2, Aekeron3, Aekeron4, Aekeron5
[Damien];20191032 said:
If you have several chars in the same place you're likely to get them flagged and possibly banned.

They're all over the place at the moment. I'll probably dump some of them when I actually start to play properly.

I just wanted to try out the different classes...and also got really bored with only having 50 AP.
Made it to Shore Hill but ran out of AP, craploads of zombies the sector I just passed through. Big group of 20 odd hanging out in a graveyard lol.
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