Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

We are in the hutchinson building in east becktown. Come join us. We're setting up our own little safehouse of noobs :) God help us if the barricades go down, how many of us can build them?!

I'm a soldier so I can shoot a gun but no barricades atm :(
Got the radio message so came back in case we were under siege. Nope. Got a length of pipe so at least I can make a wee barricade if it comes down to it. No fuel but sounds like someone sorted that.
I dont have much ap, will have to wait until tomorrow. If you attack him in front of a witness, announce why you are killing him.

Yeah don't want to get tarred with the same brush. I'm also low on ap so will leave him for now. Enough zeds out there without having to worry about pkers
27.55 MHz: "I AM TIRED OF THE LACK OF ZOMBIES" (3 hours and 35 minutes ago)
27.55 MHz: "MALTON NEEDS MORE ZOMBIES" (3 hours and 35 minutes ago)
27.55 MHz: "WILL SOME OF YOU BORING SURVIVORS GO AND BECOME ZOMBIES" (3 hours and 35 minutes ago)
27.55 MHz: "INSTEAD?" (3 hours and 35 minutes ago)
27.55 MHz: "IT WOULD BE MORE FUN" (3 hours and 34 minutes ago)
27.55 MHz: "JUST REPEAT AFTER ME:" (3 hours and 34 minutes ago)
27.55 MHz: "*BRAINZ* *BRAINZ*" (3 hours and 34 minutes ago)
27.55 MHz: "*HUNGRY*" (3 hours and 34 minutes ago)
27.55 MHz: "*SO HUNGRY* *WANT BRAINZ*" (3 hours and 34 minutes ago)
27.55 MHz: "AND THERE YOU GO. BOBS YOUR UNCLE." (3 hours and 33 minutes ago)
lol :D
I got eaten :(

Who can make unzombify me? I'm gonna move down to the Safe House so I'll be lurking outside :)

Edit: I'm outside, I don't wanna eat brainz :(
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